The following short sketch explains what happens, if Mosaic loads a new document. The event flow between different classes of the functional units of Fig. 7 is shown in Fig. 8. The parenthesized numbers in the following paragraph label the ``event-arrows'' in Fig. 8:
After being informed by Mosaic (1), the Communication-object sends
an event to the EventDispatcher (2) which forwards this event to
the Navigator-object (3). This object may trigger the creation of a
new topology object (4)(5).
A change of the topology propagates to one (or more) layout
objects (6)(7), leading to a recalculation of the node positions.
These new node positions are reported to the visualization objects
(canvas widget objects), causing an update of the screen image (8)(9).
Besides the topology objects, several history objects which implement
different history strategies (not shown in
Fig. 8) may react to the events of the navigator.
Such history strategies are, for example:
The history objects implementing these strategies are the basis for
WebMap's playback feature, which was described in section 2.1.