Based on the topology information obtained by a complete user history, several graphic layouts for the web may be presented to the user (altenatively or simultanously).
Possible layouts
are displayed in Fig. 4:
Because such a web map may become quite large and intricate, tree
condensing and node expansion should be supported, which could
be handled this way: Normal nodes
are displayed as ovals, condensed trees as squares. Condensing a subtree
(clicking on its root) removes it from the window and changes the shape
of its remaining root node from an oval to a square. Before expanding a
condensed node
(clicking on a square node), the user may specify the depth of the
resulting tree.
This causes some or all of its leaves to become condensed nodes
Another idea is to use an additional window for the
resulting tree when expanding a condensed node.
Next: Tree layout algorithm
Up: Visualization of Navigation
Previous: Example