4.7 Architecture of Hypertext Based LAN Management

Using a global hypertext a LAN manager has the possibility to have tools on his management console no matter where they are or where they are coming from. Using hypertext, he is in the situation to act quickly and efficiently. A prerequisite for this is good network connectivity inside and outside the organization. In this way it is possible to integrate remote and local resources to achieve the goal of quick and effective network management (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Architecture of Mosaic Based LAN Management

Information retrieval through hypertext is not meant to be used only by network and system managers. The general user and researcher can efficiently retrieve resources he has in the institute for planning purposes or presentation purposes if he is on a business trip and needs quick and efficient action. On the other side arises a question of security. What to release for free? This is a question that should be handled inside the organization

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