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Distance Learning Support

The Distance Learning Center is familiar with using technology to reach students. An interactive video conference in November will feature a UVSC computer assisted writing program where faculty will help students through electronic conferencing, database research, multimedia presentations and Internet activities. UVSC is anxious to incorporate the information distribution capabilities of the Web to improve an already successful program.

UVSC is developing a center for distance learning using high-tech methods, which focus on computer-based training and multimedia telecommunications technologies. A class being taught at UVSC has two-way audio and video with each remote site, allowing students in each location to interact with the teacher and each other. The Web offers an immediate solution to the pressing problem of delivering student support materials and services in a timely manner. The added bonus is that this innovative technology already has sufficient bandwidth to support the Web.

Distance learning teachers would like to provide a sense of community for students at remote locations. Mosaic provides a way to increase community through the use of student homepages. Further group interaction is provided by the use of newsgroups. Together these Internet applications provide opportunities that promote interactions between students at remote cites.

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Phillip J. Windley (