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In using the Web, we have found that it is important to use the right tool for the right job. As stated previously, classes can use a combination of email, newsgroups, and the WWW. Email is an excellent medium for asynchronous one-to-one communication. It allows students to talk with the professor, the teaching assistant, or another student without involving other people who are not interested in the conversation or have no need to know. Newsgroups, on the other hand, provide a perfect place for class discussion of topics. Each person can add his input to the discussion taking place in the newsgroup. This forum is also a good place to broadcast information or announcements to all students. The WWW supplies an excellent place for relatively static information. While the Web can be coerced into becoming a place for discussion, it is not well suited for the task.

Using the Web to assist with class instruction, student materials and support, and as a repository for departmental information has been successful in helping students enjoy the learning process. Improvements in Web technology will continue to make the use of the Web extremely productive in the universities as a teaching tool. While there is still some additional functionality to add, the favorable response of students is encouraging and we will continue to use the WWW to augment classroom instruction.

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Phillip J. Windley (