
WWW94 -- Registration


The general part of the conference is now full. From now on, all registration requests will go on a waiting list, with final decisions on May 4.

Those of you who have sent registrations until April 19 will have a positive answer.

There are still a few places left for the Business / Government / Press afternoon on Thursday 26 May.

This is why the registration form still works.

Your WWW browser handles forms:

There is a fill-out form in electronic form, that you can use with browsers supporting forms (for example Mosaic 2.0 for X, Lynx). Using this form, our registration server will ask you for a simple confirmation by e-mail.

Your WWW browser does not handle forms:

If your browser does not handle forms, print out the text form, fill it in and e-mail ( or fax (+41 22 767 8730) it back to us.

Be aware of certain deadlines.

There is a limitation of 280 participants maximum for reasons of security and seating space in the restaurant.

RC 19 Feb 94