Registration Form

WWW94 -- Registration Form

You are using this registration form because you do not have access to a browser which can handle forms. Therefore, you should copy it or print it out, fill it in and fax or mail or e-mail it to the Secretariat (see bottom of form):

                        WWW 94

                   Registration Form

           Name: ..............................
    Affiliation: ..............................
        Address: ..............................
Street & number: ..............................
        Country: ..............................
    Postal Code: ..............................
           City: ..............................
Postal District: ..............................

         E-mail: ..............................
          Phone: ..............................
            Fax: ..............................

Name & Affiliation on badge if different from above:

Preferred size of your free WWW T-shirt:  [_] S  [_] M  [_] L  [_] XL

[_] Special dietary requirement
[_] Require special services as disabled attendee
[_] Do not want name to appear on attendee list

Hotel Booking
Please book at the hotel
   Moevenpick, 100 CHF per room per night
      single room [_]
      double room [_]
   Le Warwick, 155 CHF per room per night
      single room [_]
      double room [_]
for  ....  nights
I will arrive on ........ and depart on .........

Conference fee
The complete conference registration fee includes
transportation to and from the two listed hotels,
lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the
conference dinner on the Lake boat on Thursday
evening and the tutorials.

Normal fee
Registration before April 30: [_] 500 CHF
Late registration:            [_] 600CHF

Attendees from Academic Institutes
Registration before April 30: [_] 400 CHF
Late registration:            [_] 500 CHF

Registration before April 30: [_] 300 CHF
Late registration:            [_] 400 CHF

Business Path only
(Thursday afternoon and dinner)
Registration before April 30: [_] 300 CHF
Late registration:            [_] 400 CHF

Extra dinner tickets: .... at 80 CHF each

Method of payment
 [_] Cheque:
     made payable to "WWW94 Conference",
     account number C7-116794.0 at the
     Swiss Bank Corporation, CERN-Meyrin,
     CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland.

Credit Card:
 [_] VISA
 [_] MasterCard
 [_] Amexco
 [_] Diners
Card number: .......................
Card expiry date: ...........

I authorise to charge my account for the fees
indicated above.

Signature: .....................

Send to:
         c/o Anne Perrelle
        CH - 1211 Geneva 23

Telephone: +41 22 767 5005   Fax: +41 22 767 8730

RC 19 Feb 94