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Ordinary Members

(In alphabetical order)

Chin-Wan Chung
Professor, Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST), Korea
Laurent Flory
Université de Lyon, Lyon, France
Wendy Hall
Chair of IW3C2
Executive Director of Web Science Institute, University of Southampton, UK
Ivan Herman
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sciences (CWI), NL
Arun K. Iyengar
Vice Chair and Secretary of IW3C2
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, USA
Irwin King
Associate Dean (Education), Engineering Faculty, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CN
Yoelle Maarek
VP Research, Yahoo Research, Haifa, Israel
Luc Mariaux
Treasurer of IW3C2
Université de Lyon, Lyon, France
Daniel Schwabe
Vice Chair of IW3C2 & Bids Liaison
Professor, Dept. de Informatics, Catholic University (PUC-Rio), Brazil

Ex Officio Members

(In order of the conference series)

The Web Conference 2022

Frédérique Laforest
Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE

The Web Conference 2023

Ying Ding
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Juan F. Sequeda, USA
Jie Tang
Tsinghua University, PRC

The Web Conference 2024

Tat Seng Chua
School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Chong Wah Ngo
Singapore Management University, Singapore

The Web Conference 2025

Michael Blumenstein
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Yi Chang
Jilin University, China

Past Members

Past Members of the IW3C2 are listed here with their status at the time they left the committee.

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