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Announcement of 2022 Seoul Test of Time Award Winners

(Lyon, Date: April 27, 2022)
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) selects “Earthquake shakes Twitter users: Real-time event detection by social sensors” for the 2022 Seoul Test of Time Award. The award will be presented during the ceremony on April 27, 2022. See the Press Release.

Announcement of 2021 Seoul Test of Time Award Winners

(Ljubljana, Date: April 23, 2021)
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) announced today that the 2021 Seoul Test of Time Award will be presented to the authors of the paper “Information Credibility on Twitter”. The award will be presented during the ceremony on April 23, 2021. See the Press Release.

Announcement of 2020 Seoul Test of Time Award Winners

(Date: April 21, 2020)
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee Selects “Mining the peanut gallery: Opinion Extraction and Semantic Classification of Product Reviews” for the 2020 Seoul Test of Time Award. The award will be presented during the opening ceremony of the 29th International conference in The Web Conference series on April 21, in Taipei. See the Press Release.

ACM SIGWEB to sponsor and organize leading International Web Conference Series

(Date: April 20, 2020)
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) today announced an agreement to transfer full legal and financial sponsorship of The Web Conference series of conferences from IW3C2 to ACM’s Special Interest Group starting with the 2022 edition of the conference in Lyon, France. See the Press Release.

Announcement of 2019 Seoul Test of Time Award Winners

(Date: May 14, 2019)
The International World Wide Web Conference Committee Selects “The EigenTrust Algorithm for Reputation Management in P2P Networks” for the 2019 Seoul Test of Time Award. The award will be presented during the opening ceremony of the 28th International conference in The Web Conference series on May 15, in San Francisco. See the Press Release and list of the award winners over the past years.

Seoul Test of Time Award

(Date: April 25, 2018)
The Seoul Test of Time Award was made possible by a generous contribution from the team of computer scientists that organized the 2014 World Wide Web Conference in Seoul. This prize will be given each year to the author, or authors of a paper, presented at a previous World Wide Web Conference.

Rebranding "WWW" as "The Web Conference"

(Date: April, 2017)
After WWW2017, the conference series is now rebranded as “The Web Conference” and therefore WWW2018 becomes “The Web Conference 2018” and so on.

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