General Co-Chairs

Frédérique Laforest
Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, France
Frédérique is Professor at INSA Lyon, and leader of the TWEAK group at LIRIS lab. CNRS UMR 5205.
Her research interests concern information extraction on the Web and knowledge streams querying and reasoning. She has applied research to various domains including electronic medical records, question answering on the Web, Web of Things.
She has supervized 13 PhD students, participated in numerous european and national research projects and is author and co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in books, journals, conferences and workshops.
She was organizer or chair of several conferences and workshops, including The Web Conference 2018
Raphaël Troncy
Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis – France
Raphaël is an associate professor in the Data Science Department of EURECOM. He is also the representative of Institut Mines Telecom at the Advisory Committee of the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) where he participated in several standardization groups. He is an expert for the European Commission (FP7, H2020), for the French National Funding Agency (ANR, BPI) as well as for various National Agencies in Europe in the areas of AI, Big Data and Digital Transformation.
His research interests include: Semantic Web, Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Graphs, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Multimodal Information Extraction, Recommender Systems. He has developed prototypes for various domains such as creative industries, cultural heritage, medias, tourism, automotive, finance and insurance, etc.
He has supervised 14 PhD students and he has published more than 250 peer-reviewers articles in journals, conferences and workshops.

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Deepak Agarwal
Pinterest, Mountain View, CA, USA
Deepak Agarwal is currently a senior engineering leader at Pinterest where he leads the engineering teams responsible for developing all organic user experiences on the platform including recommendations, search and shopping.
Prior to Pinterest, Deepak was VP engineering and Head of Artificial Intelligence at LinkedIn from 2012-2020. He began his industrial research career with AT&T Labs from 2001-2006 and subsequently was a senior researcher at Yahoo! Research from 2006-2012.
He has published extensively in top-tier conferences/journals in CS, ML and Statistics and has written a textbook on Recommender Systems. He is Fellow of the American Statistical Association, serves as member of Executive Committee for SIGKDD and regularly serves on program committees of major CS and ML conferences.
Aristides Gionis
KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Sweden
Aalto University – Finland
Aristides Gionis is a WASP professor in KTH Royal Institute of Technology and adjunct professor in Aalto University. He is currently a fellow in the ISI Foundation, Turin, and in 2016 he was a visiting professor in the University of Rome. His previous appointment was with Yahoo! Research, Barcelona.
He obtained his PhD in 2003 from Stanford University. He is currently serving as an action editor in the Data Management and Knowledge Discovery journal (DMKD) and an associate editor in the ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB).
He has contributed in different areas of data science, such as algorithmic data analysis, web mining, social-media analysis, data clustering, and privacy-preserving data mining.

Elena Simperl
King’s College, London, UK
Elena Simperl is professor of computer science at King’s College London, a Fellow of the British Computer Society and former Turing fellow. According to AMiner, she is in the top 100 most influential scholars in knowledge engineering of the last decade, as well as in the Women in AI 2000 ranking. Before joining King’s College, she held positions at the University of Southampton, as well as in Germany and Austria.
She has contributed to more than 20 research projects, often as principal investigator or project lead. Currently, she is the PI of two grants: H2020 ACTION, where she develops human-AI methods to make participatory science thrive, and EPSRC Data Stories, where she works on frameworks and tools to make data more engaging for everyone.
She authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in knowledge engineering, semantic technologies, open and linked data, social computing, crowdsourcing and data-driven innovation. Over the years she served as programme and general chair to several conferences, including the European and International Semantic Web Conference, the European Data Forum and the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Senjuti Basu Roy
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Senjuti Basu Roy is the Panasonic Chair in Sustainability and an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Her broader research interests lie in the area of large scale data management with the focus on designing principled algorithms for “human-in-the-loop” systems. She has served as the Mentorship co-chair of SIGMOD 2018, PhD workshop co-chair of VLDB 2018, co-chair of SEADATA Workshop 2021 (colocated with VLDB 2021), and HMData Workshops 2017-2021 (colocated with IEEE BigData conference).
She is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and one of the 100 invited early career engineers to attend the National Academy of Engineering’s 2021 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. She has published more than 65 peer reviewed conference and journal papers and delivered several tutorials in prestigious conferences.

Riccardo Tommasini
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Riccardo Tommasini obtained his PhD from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. After a few years as Assistant Professor of Data Management at the University of Tartu, Estonia, he joined INSA Lyon and the LIRIS laboratory in september 2021. His research interests include Stream Processing, Semantic Web, Stream Reasoning, Linked Data, and Databases.
Workshops Co-Chairs
Nathalie Hernandez
IRIT lab., University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès
Nathalie Hernandez is a Professor at the Toulouse Jean Jaurès University and a member of IRIT Laboratory, CNRS UMR5505. Her research interests concern Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web and are linked to the development of the Web and societal issues. They address the issues related to the integration of connected-objects as Web resources, knowledge graphs and distributed reasoning in the Internet of Things and knowledge graphs for digital humanities.

Preslav Nakov
Qatar Computing Research Institute QCRI
Dr. Preslav Nakov is a Principal Scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), HBKU, where he leads the Tanbih mega-project (developed in collaboration with MIT), which aims to limit the impact of “fake news”, propaganda and media bias by making users aware of what they are reading, thus promoting media literacy and critical thinking. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, supported by a Fulbright grant.
Dr. Preslav Nakov is President of ACL SIGLEX, Secretary of ACL SIGSLAV, and a member of the EACL advisory board. He is also member of the editorial board of a number of journals including Computational Linguistics, TACL, IEEE TASL, CS&L, NLE, AI Communications, and Frontiers in AI. Dr. Nakov’s research was featured by over 100 news outlets, including Forbes, Boston Globe, Aljazeera, DefenseOne, Business Insider, MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, Popular Science, Fast Company, The Register, WIRED, and Engadget, among others.
Industry Co-Chairs
Petra Selmer
Neo4j, UK
Dr. Petra Selmer is the Team Lead of the Query Languages Standards and Research group at Neo4j, undertaking research into graph query languages and language standards. Under the auspices of ISO/IEC, Petra is currently part of the international standardization efforts to design a stand-alone graph query language, GQL (ISO/IEC 39075), as well as defining property graph query extensions for the next version of SQL (ISO/IEC 9075-16). She also undertakes research into query languages and graph-structured data models, and collaborates with academic researchers to explore new facets of graph querying capabilities.
She is involved with the openCypher project at, and was part of the team designing and optimizing Neo4j’s Cypher query engine. For many years, she worked as a consultant and developer in a variety of different domains and roles and has a PhD in Computer Science from Birkbeck, University of London, where she researched flexible querying of graph-structured data.

Joshua Shinavier
Journal Chair
Ryen White
Ryen White is a Partner Research Director at Microsoft Research, where he leads the Language, Learning, and Privacy research area. Ryen was program chair of The Web Conference 2019 and is Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on the Web.
In 2022, for the first time, TheWebConf and TWEB are partnering to give authors of recent TWEB articles an opportunity to present their work at the conference.

PhD Symposium Co-Chairs

Elena Demidova
University of Bonn, Germany
Elena Demidova is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bonn, Germany. She is the leader of the Data Science and Intelligent Systems Group (DSIS). In the past, she worked as Research Group Leader at the L3S Research Center, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, and as Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, UK. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Leibniz University of Hannover in 2013. Elena’s main research interests are in Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Web, and Semantic Web.
Hala Skaf-Molli
University of Nantes, France
Hala Skaf-Molli is an associate professor, HDR at the University of Nantes, France. She is the leader of the Distributed Data Management Group (GDD) of the Numeric Science of Nantes Laboratory (LS2N). Her research interests include the Semantic Web, decentralized semantic data management, federated SPARQL query processing, knowledge graphs, and Linked Data. She is currently the coordinator of the national ANR project DeKaloG (Decentralized Knowledge Graph) and MiKroloG project (The Microdata Knowledge Graphs) of the cominLabs Laboratory of Excellence.

Posters and Demos Co-Chairs

Anna Lisa Gentile
IBM Research Almaden
Anna Lisa Gentile is a researcher in the Intelligence Augmentation group at IBM Research Almaden, USA. Her Research is principally focused on studying methods and techniques for semantic annotating unstructured and semi-structured content. Her main Research Areas are Information Extraction (IE), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Semantic Web. From December 2015 to February 2017 she was a post-doctoral research scientist at the University of Mannheim. From May 2010 to November 2015 she was a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Sheffield. She obtained my doctoral degree with a thesis on Named Entity Disambiguation at the University of Bari, Italy in 2010.
Pasquale Lisena
Pasquale Lisena is a Research Fellow in the Data Science department at EURECOM. He got a PhD in Computer Science in 2019 from Sorbonne Université. His research involves Knowledge Graphs, Information Extraction and Recommender System, with application to Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. In addition, he is passionate about Web technologies, teaching web programming and producing open-source software and libraries. He has published over 35 scientific papers in international journals, conferences and workshops. He served the community as a PC member of conferences and reviewer for scientific journals.

Web developer and W3C Co-Chairs

Dominique Hazael-Massieux
Dominique Hazael-Massieux is W3C Developer Relationships Lead, W3C Community Development Lead (in charge of managing the Community Groups program), champion for the Telecommunication Industry in W3C, part of the W3C Project Management team, W3C Strategy Specialist on Virtual and Augmented Reality, and serves as staff contact in the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group, the Web and Machine Learning Web Working Group, and the Web & Networks Interest Group. He also develops tools and applications as needed in his various roles.
He joined initially W3C’s Communication and Systems Team as a member of the Webmaster Team in October 2000; after having joined then lead the QA Activity until September 2005, Dom took part to the Mobile Web Initiative as Staff Contact for the Best Practices Working Group and later as co-Chair of the Mobile Web Test Suites Working Group. Dominique also served as Staff Contact for the Device and sensors Working Group.
Dominique holds an engineering degree from the “Grande Ecole” École Centrale Paris.
Thomas Steiner
Google LLC
Thomas Steiner is a Developer Relations Engineer at Google, focused on the Web and ’Project Fugu’. He’s an alum of University of Lyon (Postdoc), Polytechnic University of Barcelona (Ph.D.), and University of Karlsruhe (MA). Thomas blogs at and tweets as @tomayac.

Sponsorship Co-Chairs

Yi Chang
Jilin University, China
Liane Lewin-Eytan
Amazon, Israel

Juan Sequeda, USA
Local Organization Committee Co-Chairs
Laurent Flory
Université Lyon-1 – France
Laurent is the Chief Information and Digital Officer of Université de Lyon.He is an engineer in computing science and owns a master’s degree in industrial economics. He has a strong background in ICT for education and network engineer activities.
From 2007 to 2017, he steered the Université Numérique in the Rhone-Alpes Region, accompanying many innovative projects.
Since 2010, he is a board member of the CSIESR (the French largest Higher Ed IT professional association) in charge of international affairs.
After leading the organization of both WWW2012 and The Web Conference 2018 in Lyon, he joined the IW3C2 (the conference steering committee) in 2017. He is now in charge of coordination between the different organization teams and GDPR issues.

Luc Mariaux
École Centrale de Lyon – France (retired)
Luc has been a researcher in the domain of Computer Human Interfaces. He was also the director of the Computer Resources Center of Ecole Centrale de Lyon, one among the founding members of Université de Lyon. He is now retired and continues his activities as an Honorary Research Engineer at Université de Lyon.
He is the Treasurer of IW3C2 and also a member of the steering committee of the BIG (BigData Innovators Gathering) conference series, and former organization Co-Chair of WWW2012, CIUEN2012 and The Web Conference 2018.
He is also a former Board Member of the CSIESR, the French largest Higher Ed IT professional association, and a Board Member of the Cultural encounter center of Ambronay, organizer of a famous festival of baroque music.
Local Organization Committee Members
Pierre-Antoine Champin chair
Pierre-Antoine is an associate professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, member of the TWEAK research group at LIRIS Lab. Currently in a sabbatical at ERCIM, he is also a W3C fellow.
He has been representing Université de Lyon in various W3C working groups (Media annotation, RDF, LDP). His research interests include interoperable data and knowledge representation on the Web, and the design of intelligent interactive systems. He is coordinating the teaching of Web technologies in the Computer Science department of IUT Lyon 1. He is an author or co-author of 1 book chapter, 11 journal papers, 67 conference papers, and member of program committees in major Web and Semantic Web conferences (WWW, ISWC, ESWC).
He was General Co-Chair of The Web Conference 2018.

Yingtong Dou Video conference chair
University of Illinois at Chicago
Coralie Grégoire Project Manager & Communication chair
Coralie is the TheWebConf project manager at the Université de Lyon since April 2021.
During five years after her masters degree in geopolitics and diplomacy, she accompanied international scientists and students in their mobility in Lyon and Saint Etienne. Through the development of the Espace Ulys agency in Saint Etienne, she has been able to offer a complete administrative support and activities to international scientists from all fields.
By joining the Local Organization Commitee, she will participate organizing and managing this 2022 edition of TheWebConf and she will continue to bring her help to scientists from all over the world.

Ivan Herman Proceedings chair
W3C (retired)
After several years of research in computer graphics, parallel programming, or multimedia development, Ivan joined the staff of W3C in 2001. Apart from some management jobs within the organization, he has been active in the areas of the Semantic Web, Digital Publishing, and, recently, in Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials. Beyond his research activities, he was co-editor of around 20 International Standards, mostly at the W3C.
He is a former (and founding) Board Member of the Force11 organization, and was part of the Executive Committee and former Vice-chair of the Eurographics Association. He has been member of IW3C2 since 2000, was General Co-chair of the WWW9 conference in Amsterdam in 2000, and has played an active role in the organization of WWW2003, WWW2008, WWW2012, and the Web Conference 2018.
Yoelle Maarek IW3C2 liaison
Amazon – Haifa – Israel
Yoelle worked at IBM from 1989 until 2006, and became a distinguished engineer at IBM before moving to Google. In 2006, she founded the Google Haifa Engineering Center in Haifa, Israel, where one of her key projects involved autocompletion for Google and YouTube queries. During 2009-2017 she worked in Yahoo research in Israel.
From August 2017 she joined Amazon where she is a vice president, responsible for Amazon’s Alexa Shopping Research.
She is a member of IW3C2 and she acts as the liaison with this committee.

Lionel Médini Proceedings chair
Univ Lyon, UCBL, LIRIS, France
Lionel is an associate professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and member of the TWEAK research group at LIRIS Lab CNRS 5205.
He is a representative of Université de Lyon in the Web of Things W3C community group. He is mainly interested in embedding semantic technologies in everyday objects using web standards, as well as in mashups for informational and physical web applications. As he also teaches advanced Web technologies (he is coordinating the master degree web courses at the Computer Science department of FST Lyon 1), he is as well interested in exploiting these technologies to develop efficient client-side reasoning solutions. He is an author or co-author of 7 journal papers, 34 conference and workshop papers.
He was General Co-Chair of The Web Conference 2018.
Local Organization Committee Contributors
Gabriel Bondaz
IDCI-Consulting – Villeurbanne – France
Gabriel is the founder and co-manager of IDCI-Consulting, a company specialized in Web architecture, engineering, development and integration.
He was also a member of the Local organization team of the conference www2012.

Sébastien Desbenoit
Groupe SEB – France
Sébastien is Advertising & Content Manager at Groupe SEB.
He was the leader of the conference communication for The Web Conference 2018.
He participates in this committee as a counselor in advertising and communication domains.