Call For PhD Symposium

PhD Symposium chairs: (

  • Hala Skaf-Molli (University of Nantes, France)
  • Elena Demidova (University of Bonn, Germany)

We invite contributions to the PhD Symposium to be held at The Web Conference 2022 (formerly known as WWW). The conference will take place online, hosted by Lyon, France, on April 25-29, 2022.

The PhD Symposium of The Web Conference 2022 welcomes submissions from PhD students on their ongoing research related to the main conference topics. These topics include: Semantics and Knowledge, Web Search, Web Systems and Infrastructure, Web Mining and Content Analysis, Economics, Monetization, and Online Markets, User Modeling and Personalization, Web and Society, Web of Things, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing, Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms, Security, Privacy, Trust and Social Web (see also the Research Tracks). We are particularly interested in submissions aimed to enhance our understanding of the Web, provide intuitive access to Web information and knowledge, strengthen the positive impact of the Web on society, take advantage of the Web of Things and enhance security, privacy protection, and trust.

The goal of the PhD Symposium is to provide a platform for PhD students to present and receive feedback on their ongoing research. Students at different stages of their research will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research questions, goals, methods, and results. The symposium aims to provide students guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and other PhD students working in research areas related to the World Wide Web. Finally, the symposium aims to enable PhD students to interact with other participants of The Web Conference and potential collaborators by stimulating the exchange of ideas and experiences.


The PhD Symposium is open to all PhD students. PhD students at the beginning stages of their doctoral work are particularly welcome when they have a well-defined problem statement and ideas about the solutions they would like to discuss. PhD students in a more advanced stage of their work are also welcome to share and discuss their research results and experiences.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be written based on the following structure, which focuses on the key methodological components required for a sound research synthesis:

  • Abstract: A self-sustained short description of the paper.
  • Introduction/Motivation: Provide a general introduction to the topic and indicate its importance/impact on Web research and real-world applications.
  • Problem: Describe the core problem of the PhD thesis.
  • State of the art: Briefly describe the most relevant related work.
  • Proposed approach: Briefly present the approach taken and motivate how this is novel regarding existing works.
  • Methodology: Sketch the methodology that is (or will be) adopted and, in particular, the approach to be taken for evaluating the results of the work.
  • Results: Describe the current status of the work and the most significant results that have been reached so far
  • Conclusions and future work: Conclude and specify the major items of future work.

Submissions should be written in English and must be no longer than five (5) pages in length (according to the ACM format acmart.cls, using the “sigconf” option). Submissions must be in PDF and must be made through the EasyChair system at (select the PhD Symposium track).

Submissions must be single-author and be on the topic of the doctoral work. The supervisor’s name must be clearly marked (« supervised by … ») on the paper, under the author’s name. Submissions that do not comply with the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.

Selected papers will be published in the Companion Proceedings of The Web Conference 2022 and made available through the ACM Digital Library.

Review Process

All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Program Committee of the PhD Symposium, who are experienced researchers in the relevant areas. Students of accepted submissions will have the opportunity to discuss their submissions in more detail and receive additional feedback from mentors.

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: February 3, 2022 February 10, 2022
  • Notification of acceptance: February 24, 2022 March 2, 2022
  • Camera ready version: March 10, 2022
  • PhD Symposium: April 26, 2022 (to be confirmed)

All submission deadlines are end-of-day in the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.

Contact email of the PhD Symposium Chairs