The Web Conference (formerly known as WWW conference) is a yearly international conference on the topic of the World Wide Web
The conference began in 1994 at CERN and is organized each year by a local team of volunteers in different parts of the world who come together to organize the conference in collaboration with the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2). The Conference aims to provide the world with a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, policy makers, developers, users and commercial ventures — indeed all those who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer.
30th The Web Conference should take place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia within April 12-23, 2021. With all circumstances of the current health constraints worldwide, the Conference will be organized as a virtual only, fully supported as an advanced experience of a virtual one.
Conference host city Ljubljana has a lot to offer, from historical and cultural aspects, signature of our famous arhitect Joze Plecnik. Vivid city of a thousand events is surrounded by parks and natural protected areas. It is often called a lively green city combining the charm of a small capital and the self-confidence of large European cities.
Cankarjev dom
Learn more about our inspiring places.

Jure Leskovec
General co-chair
Stanford University

Marko Grobelnik
General co-chair
Jožef Stefan Institute

Leila Zia
Program committee
Wikimedia Foundation

Marc Najork
Program committee

Jie Tang
Program committee
Tsinghua University

Aljaz Kosmerlj
Local organizing committee co-chair
Jožef Stefan Institute

Marija Komatar
Local organizing committee co-chair

Lovro Subelj
Local volunteers Chair
University of Ljubljana

Bob West
Tutorials track co-chair (hands-on)

Marinka Zitnik
Tutorials track co-chair (hands-on)

Smriti Bhagat
Tutorials track co-chair (lecture)

Paul Groth
Tutorials track co-chair (lecture)
University of Amsterdam

Julian McAuley
Workshops track
University of California San Diego

Karthik Subbian
Workshops track

James Hodson
Demos track

Janez Brank
Demos track co-chair
Jožef Stefan Institute

Ricardo Baeza Yates
Panels co-chair
NTENT & Northeastern University, SV Campus

Emine Yilmaz
Panels co-chair
University College London

Dan Brickley
Developers track co-chair

Andreas Harth
Developers track
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Michael Witbrock
Artificial Intelligence Day
University of Auckland

Silvia Rodríguez
Web4all co-chair
University of Geneva

Ted Drake
Web4all co-chair

Tim Althoff
Web of Health Chair
University of Washington

MunMun De Choudhury
Diversity & Inclusion chair
Georgia Tech

Gregoris Mentzas
PhD Symposium co-chair
National Technical University of Athens

Dunja Mladenic
PhD Symposium co-chair
Jožef Stefan Institute

Rudi Studer
PhD Symposium co-chair
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Srijan Kumar
Student scholarship co-chair

Shobeir Fakhraei
Student scholarship co-chair

Ben Steichen
Student scholarship co-chair
Cal Poly Pomona

Evgeniy Gabrilovich
Future of Web

Mark Minevich
Sponsorship & Networking co-chair
Going Global Ventures

Balaji Krishnapuram
Sponsorship & Networking co-chair

Yang Yang
Sponsorship & Networking co-chair
Zhejiang University

James Shanahan
Sponsorship & Networking co-chair
UC Berkeley

Peng Zhang
Communications & social media chair

Rayid Ghani
Communications & social media chair
Carnegie Mellon University

Luca Aiello
Proceeding co-chair
Nokia Bell labs

Meeyoung Cha
Proceeding co-chair