Chairman: Michael E. Dreisch, Business Strategist
Michael Dreisch is a Business Strategist for UPC, Europe's largest MSO. Michael is responsible for strategy and future development with respect to UPC's Internet and media properties in the Netherlands. He has a MBA from Nyenrode University, the Netherlands School of Business and is a member of the Board of Directors of
Moderator: Polly Sprenger, London Correspondent
Industry Standard
Polly Sprenger is London correspondent for the Industry Standard,"the news magazine of the Internet economy." Sprenger has written about the Internet and technology for a number of publications, including Wired News, The Guardian, The Independent,, New Media Magazine, and Internet World.

Date: May 16, 2000

Time Presenter Title Abstract
1600 - 1605 Michael Dreisch, Chairman Introduction none
1605 - 1625 Ilhan Aksoycan, Director Internet Publishing Services (VIPS)
Within the multinational publishing and information company VNU, Ilhan Aksoycan has initiated the European Internet facilities platform VIPS. He is the director of VIPS which delivers the technology and applications platforms for the Internet ventures of VNU. Although his focus of the last three years is Internet he has 20 years experience in the management of technology, especially ICT, in banking, applied research, engineering and construction industries.
He holds a B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering as well as an MBA degree.
How to teach an elephant to dance
This presentation will cover the issues surrounding the migration of a traditional publishing organisation into an Internet company.
1625 - 1645 Mike Casey, Director Electronic Publishing
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Mike Casey graduated from the Univeristy of Bradford with a degree in Electronic Engineering. After moving to Holland, he worked at several multinational companies such as Philips and AT&T working on software projects. He was a member of the design team that designed and built the first corporate-wide TCP/IP network in Philips. Mike joined Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1991 as a Publishing Editor in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. He was responsible for Kluwer's first online journal which started in January 1996. He took up his current appointment as Director of Electronic Publishing in September 1997 where is responsible for all electronic publishing activities and products at KAP.
XML as the backbone for content and data in the Publishing Company
XML (SGML) has been used for storing content in scientific publishing companies for many years. KAP is defining its future strategy around the use of XML as a backbone for data interchange throughout the whole company.
This presentation will:
- Describe the production of XMLl tagged content
- Show how the business rules around the content can be described in XML
- Describe how the combination of content and business rules results in an easy to, flexible and inexpensive web publishing system
1645 - 1705 David Marques, Chief Technology Officer
Elsevier Science Electronic Publishing
David Marques joined Reed Elsevier in 1997 after fifteen years at Digital Equipment Corporation. At Digital, David held positions as Senior Consultant in software services, Principle Investigator in corporate research (Artificial Intelligence), Chief Scientist for Technology in Education, and Systems Engineering Consultant for collaboration software in the AltaVista division. David received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Cornell University and Ph.D. in psychobiology from the University of Michigan. His career change to the computer industry came after four years of research in neuroscience. David is currently Chief Technology Officer at Elsevier Science, a member of the Reed Elsevier group.
Building Science Portals on the Web
The World Wide Web was invented to help sharing of scientific information, but in many ways it is still trying to live up to the early expectations. The potential for interlinking scientific data and information is just beginning to be realized. Although the publishers of scientific material have not been early leaders in this realization, they have made significant progress recently. This talk will discuss some of the business and technical challenges scientific publishers face, present examples of new initiatives in cross linking and science portals, describe the gap between information needs and current services, and outline new directions to address the WWW promise of collaboration and learning.
1705 - 1730 Polly Sprenger, Moderator Q & A none