Chairman: Michael E. Dreisch, Business Strategist
Michael Dreisch is a Business Strategist for UPC, Europe's largest MSO. Michael is responsible for strategy and future development with respect to UPC's Internet and media properties in the Netherlands. He has a MBA from Nyenrode University, the Netherlands School of Business and is a member of the Board of Directors of
Moderator: Jason Levitt, Senior Technology Editor
Information Week
Jason Levitt is an author, consultant, and journalist who got his first Internet address in 1985. He's currently Senior Technology Editor for InformationWeek Magazine where he covers emerging Internet technologies.

Date: May 18, 2000

Time Presenter Title Abstract
1030 - 1035 Michael Dreisch, Chairman Introduction none
1035 - 1055 Espen Kristensen, Project Manager
Espen Kristensen is Project Manager for standardisation in Product Unit UMTS at the Segment Consumer unit of Ericsson. He has been with Ericsson for 9 years, and has worked mainly with various aspects of Wireless Data Communication, as system designer, project manager and line manager. Espen served as Chairman of the WAP Security Working Group for two years, and has also been actively involved in other parts of the WAP standardisation.
WAP security schemes in today's Internet environment The security solutions in WAP are compared to existing security models on the Internet, and schemes for deploying secure services are presented. Topics to be discussed include:

1. Presentation of existing security mechanisms in WAP
- WTLS for connection security
- WIM for secured storage of private keys, certificates etc.
- WMLScript Crypto API for application level user signatures
2. What's coming next in WAP
- Improved end-to-end security
3. Comparison with Internet security
4. Basic deployment models for e-commerce applications

1055 - 1115 Ronald Horn, Libertel (Vodafone Group)
Ronald Horn is currently the Managing Director of Libertel Data. Ronald began his career at Libertel in 1995 where he was the Commercial Sales Director. Prior to joining Libertel Ronald worked for Cellway, a mobile service provider, and for Sony in the Netherlands in their sales and marketing department.
From Local Mobile Voice to Global Wireless Web This presentation will discuss:
- how Libertel started as a local dutch operator
- how Technologie has changed the offering and the demands of the customer
- how single voice gateway technologie with each new step sms/wap/GPRS/ UMTS/ leads to a global wireless web.
1115 - 1135 Håkan Mitts, Technology Manager
Håkan Mitts is a technology manager in Nokia Mobile Phones/Digital Convergence Unit.
The Web in your pocket The Web put electronic services: information, entertainment, commerce etc. on the desk of everybody. In the next phase, these services will appear in your pocket. But the wireless environmnet will also create a huge amount of new services, which become relevant only as the end user device becomes mobile and personal and is always carried along.
1135 - 1200 Jason Levitt, Moderator Q & A none

Chairman: Michael E. Dreisch, Business Strategist
Michael Dreisch is a Business Strategist for UPC, Europe's largest MSO. Michael is responsible for strategy and future development with respect to UPC's Internet and media properties in the Netherlands. He has a MBA from Nyenrode University, the Netherlands School of Business and is a member of the Board of Directors of
Moderator: Jason Levitt, Senior Technology Editor
Information Week

Jason Levitt is an author, consultant, and journalist who got his first Internet address in 1985. He's currently Senior Technology Editor for InformationWeek Magazine where he covers emerging Internet technologies.

Date: May 18, 2000

Time Presenter Title Abstract
1600 - 1605 Michael Dreisch, Chairman Introduction none
1605 - 1625 Jans Aasman, Senior Researcher
KPN Research
Jans Aasman in a senior researcher at KPN Research and a professor at the Industrial Design Engineering Faculty of the TU Delft. His current research focusses on intelligent products, speech controlled personal assistants,
personalized services and interfaces, multimodal pen/speech interfaces and on consumer oriented browsers for mobile webpads. Jans has a background in psychology and artificial intelligence.
Mobile Internet from the couch The mobile webpad will be a major driver for wireless in-home networks. The first use of the webpad will be mobile internet access, in later stages the webpad will also function as a mobile communication portal, a kind of univeral remote control for in-home automation, and even a portable tv/multimedia device. Most companies position the webpad as a fool-proof consumer oriented device that offers the user a fast and conventient way to the Web. "Consumer orientedness" requires that considerable effort is invested in the user interfaces and browsers for these devices. Topics to be discussed include
[1] the current frustration of consumers browsing the web
[2] user interface concepts overcoming these frustrations
[3] using speech and pen in these interfaces
[4] alternative navigation structures, user filtering of pages, personalization, etc..
1625 - 1645 Michiel Adriaanse, Senior Consultant
Michiel Adriaanse is asenior consultants within PricewaterhouseCoopers and is a member of the "Market Share Maximizer" team. The "Market Share Maximizer" team focusses on defining and implementing of new marketing strategies for mobile and fixed operators and Internet service providers. Michiel has a background in engineering and marketing and worked for a number of European Operators.
Marketing challenges, selling Mobile Internet Convergence (MIC) The mobile gets connected to the internet. New technologies and standards like WAP and GPRS arise. More mobile phones than PC's will be connect to the internet. A new market emerges. What are the challenges for mobile operators, internet service providers and other parties operating on this market. Many questions arise:
- Why would a user be interested in MIC?
- Who can make a revenue out of MIC?
- Which companies will compete and which will co-operate?
- Will the market be intergrated for fixed or wireless access or will we get two internets?"
1645 - 1705 Bruce Radloff, Chief Information Officer
OnStar (General Motors)
Bruce Radloff is The Chief Information Officer for OnStar, General Motors' onboard safety and information system.
OnStar Mobile Services Today and Tomorrow OnStar mobile services are used by 100,000 customers today to provide safety and
information services for GM owners. General Motors will build OnStar's next
generation technology into 1,000,000 new vehicles this year. What services does
OnStar offer, and how does it use the WWW to integrate these services. Topics to be discussed include:
  • What is OnStar today, and why is it important to General Motors
  • OnStar's service portfolio
  • OnStar's service delivery methods
  • Integrating service delivery methods using the WWW
  • Future Product positioning
1705 - 1730 Jason Levitt, Moderator Q & A none