Chairman: Michael E. Dreisch, Business Strategist
Michael Dreisch is a Business Strategist for UPC, Europe's largest MSO. Michael is responsible for strategy and future development with respect to UPC's Internet and media properties in the Netherlands. He has a MBA from Nyenrode University, the Netherlands School of Business and is a member of the Board of Directors of
Moderator: Polly Sprenger, London Correspondent
Industry Standard
Polly Sprenger is London correspondent for the Industry Standard,"the news magazine of the Internet economy." Sprenger has written about the Internet and technology for a number of publications, including Wired News, The Guardian, The Independent,, New Media Magazine, and Internet World.

Date: May 16, 2000

Time Presenter Title Abstract
1030 - 1035 Michael Dreisch, Chairman Introduction none
1035 - 1055 Jeff Barton, Consultant
After twenty years in data communications, business process and systems integration Jeff is now in the world of eCommerce. With a degree in Computing and Electronics, and an MBA from Cranfield, he has been involved in many successful strategic projects through to their practical implementations. Owner and Managing Director of the Consultancy he founded twelve years ago he is also Chairman of the ?Business on the Internet Group? within eCentre?s membership of 16,000 UK companies.
Practical XML for Business in the Real World With businesses wanting better access to information it is essential that efficient processes facilitate its proper collection and dissemination. For many years Visa has provided the ability for it?s cardholders to make purchases at regular, or ad hoc, supplier locations around the world and to present consolidated charges on the monthly statement. In February 2000 Visa launched the XML Invoice specification ( as the format for electronically delivering full Invoice details to the Corporate?s accounting or expense management system from enabled suppliers around the world, even where there has been no previous trading relationship. Jeff will detail the role of XML in this global initiative and explain how such information is already flowing over VisaNet, the communications network that connects Visa?s 21,000 Member banks around the world.
1055 - 1115 Andrei Broder, VP of Research
Alta Vista
Andrei Broder is VP of Research at the AltaVista Company. Previously Andrei was the CTO of the Search division at AltaVista and a senior member of the research staff at Compaq. He was graduated from Technion and holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He has co-authored more than 60 scientific papers and numerous patents. His main interests are the design, analysis, and implementation of advanced algorithms and supporting data structures in the context of web-scale applications.
"The explosive growth of unstructured search" On the web, search has become ubiquitous : from the major search engines that index hundreds of millions of pages to the tiniest e-commerce site, there is a search box on every site. These boxes are powered by a vast array of methods of varying sophistication, combining classic information retrieval and linguistics techniques with web-specific data and algorithms. On the other hand, users increasingly expect and actually receive a substantially uniform interaction style -- basically unstructured, full-text search -- no matter what search box they are using. This talk will explore some of the technological and business developments that make this search paradigm so prevalent and powerful.
1115 - 1135 Simon Phipps, Chief XML & Java Evangelist
IBM Corporation UK
Simon Phipps is IBM Corporation's Chief Java and XML Evangelist. Having been part of the team that recommended Java to IBM in 1995, he has since spoken world-wide on the new world that is engulfing computing, powered by web and Java technologies. His new focus, extensible Mark-up Language, and he has overall responsibility for XML marketing in IBM world-wide. With over 20 years experience of the computer industry, Simon has worked on networking, data communications and operating systems for various companies in many contexts including the development of the earliest commercial collaborative conferencing software. He joined IBM in 1991. He holds a degree in electronic engineering and is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the British Computer society.
The impact of XML on e-business E-business is transforming business as we know it. The advent of the Internet and its commerce opportunities have created new markets, new businesses and new possibilities for companies around the world. Using the Internet to extend and improve basic business processes is revolutionizing the way businesses compete.
With these opportunities and new markets come some new challenges. What is the best way to communicate with your customers?. How do you use the Web to reach new customers?. What technologies can help you build the foundation for your e-business?.
What does XML do for your business?. XML opens up your data so that you can share it among your organization, partners, customers and suppliers without sharing or integrating your critical business systems, so you can easily exchange information. And for your e-business, XML provides an open, cross-platform way to transact, manage and share information.
IBM is committed to helping drive the adoption of an open and complete XML as the standard for defining and sharing data on the Web.
IBM intents to XML-enable many middleware products to help customers and business partners build, deploy and manage e-business applications
1135 - 1200 Polly Sprenger, Moderator Q & A none