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Wednesday May 12

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8:30 am - 10:00 am

Opening Plenary

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
A1  The Electronic Marketplace
Chair: Clifford Neuman
  • Efficiency Analysis of Brokers in the Electronic Marketplace
    - Virgilio Almeida, Wagner Meira Jr., Victor Ribeiro, Nivio Ziviani 
  • On the Security of Pay-Per-Click and Other Web Advertising Schemes
    - Vinod Anupam, Alain Mayer, Kobbi Nissim, Benny Pinkas, Michael Reiter 
  • Secure and Lightweight Advertising on the Web
    - Markus Jakobsson, Philip D. MacKenzie, Julien P. Stern 

B1  Multimedia and User Interaction 
Chair: Dick Bulterman
  • Integrated Multimedia Publishing - Combining TV and Newspaper Content on Personal Channels
    - Caj Södergård, Matti Aaltonen, Sari Hagman, Mikko Hiirsalmi, Timo Järvinen, Eija Kaasinen, Timo Kinnunen, Juha Kolari, Jouko Kunnas, Antti Tammela 
  • Improving Web Interaction on Small Displays
    - Matt Jones, Gary Marsden, Norliza Mohd-Nasir, Kevin Boone 
  • Annotations for Streaming Video on the Web: System Design and Usage Studies
    - David Bargeron, Anoop Gupta, Jonathan Grudin, Elizabeth Sanocki 

Chair: Murray Maloney
  • A Query Language for XML
    - Alin Deutsch, Mary Fernandez, Daniela Florescu, Alon Levy, Dan Suciu 
  • XML-GL: a Graphical Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents
    - Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Ernesto Damiani, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Letizia Tanca 
  • Formsheets and the XML Forms Language
    - Anders Kristensen 

P1  Panel - Finding Anything in the Billion-Page Web:
Are Algorithms the Answer?
  • Moderator: Prabhakar Raghavan, IBM Almaden Research Center,USA
  • Panelists:
    - Andrei Z. Broder, Compaq SRC
    - Monika R. Henzinger, Compaq SRC
    - Udi Manber, Yahoo! Inc.
    - Brian Pinkerton, Excite Inc.

IN1  Panel - Language on Trial 
  • Moderator: Antonio Sanfilippo, European Commission, Luxembourg
  • Panelists:
    - Robert Frederking, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    - David Israel, SRI International, USA
    - Rose Lockwood, Equipe Consortium Ltd, UK
    - Oliviero Stock, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica (IRST) Italy
    - Gary Strong, National Science Foundation, USA
    - Hans Uszkoreit, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
    - Giovanni Battista Varile, European Commission, Luxembourg
    - Yorick Wilks, Sheffield University, UK

WC1  Introduction to the W3C Track and World Wide Web Access
Presenter: Jean-François Abramatic
World Wide Web Access
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
    Presenter: Judy Brewer
  • Internationalization
    Presenter: Martin Dürst
  • Device Independence: Mobile Access, TV and the Web
    Presenters: Johan Hjelm, Dr. Philipp Hoschka

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
A2  Web Server Performance 
Chair: Arun Iyengar
  • Web Caching with Consistent Hashing
    - David Karger, Tom Leighton, Danny Lewin, Alex Sherman 
  • Distributed Cooperative Web Servers
    - Scott M. Baker, Bongki Moon 
  • Towards a Better Understanding of Web Resources and Server Responses for Improved Caching
    - Craig E. Wills, Mikhail Mikhailov 

B2  Customizing Web Sites
Chair: Peter Brusilovsky
  • Towards Adaptive Web Sites: Conceptual Framework and Case Study
    - Mike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni 
  • Unintrusive Customization Techniques for Web Advertising
    - Marc Langheinrich, Atsuyoshi Nakamura, Naoki Abe, Tomonari Kamba, Yoshiyuki Koseki 
  • User Adaptable Multimedia Presentations for the WWW
    - Franck Rousseau, J. Antonio Garcia-Macias, José Valdeni de Lima, Andrzej Duda 

C2  Searching and Discovery
Chair: Massimo Marchiori
  • Measuring Search Engine Quality using Random Walks on the Web
    - Monika R. Henzinger, Allan Heydon, Michael Mitzenmacher, Marc Najork 
  • Automatic RDF Metadata Generation for Resource Discovery
    - Charlotte Jenkins, Mike Jackson, Peter Burden, Jon Wallis 
  • Results and Challenges in Web Search Evaluation
    - David Hawking, Nick Craswell, Paul Thistlewaite, Donna Harman 

P2  Panel - Mobile Computing and Accessibility
  • Moderator: Wendy Chisholm, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Panelists:
    - Mark Chignell, University of Toronto
    - Markku Hakkinen, Productivity Works
    - Peter King, Unwired Planet
    - Gregg C. Vanderheiden, University of Wisconsin-Madison

IN2  Invited Presentations
  • Standards: a Microsoft Perspective
    - Mark Ryland, Microsoft Corp.
  • Automating Customer Service
    - Mark S. Fox, President and CEO, Novator Systems Ltd.

WC2  (W3C) XML: From Markup to Meaning
  • Recent XML Advances
    Presenter: Dan Connolly
  • XHTML - Making the Transition from HTML
    Presenter: Dave Raggett
  • RDF - Using XML to Describe Data
    Presenter: Ralph Swick

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
A3  Searching and Querying
Chair: Monika Henzinger
  • Webvise: Browser and Proxy Support for Open Hypermedia Structuring Mechanisms on the WWW
    - Kaj Grønbæk, Lennert Sloth, Peter Ørbæk 
  • Semantic Cache Mechanism for Heterogeneous Web Querying
    - Boris Chidlovskii, Claudia Roncancio and Marie-Luise Schneider 
  • A Dynamic Clustering Interface to Web Search Results
    - Oren Zamir, Oren Etzioni 

B3  Web Document Management
Chair: Anne-Marie Vercoustre
  • PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management
    - Wen-Syan Li, Quoc Vu, Divyakant Agrawal, Yoshinori Hara, Hajime Takano 
  • A Runtime System for Interactive Web Services
    - Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Anders Sandholm, Michael I. Schwartzbach 
  • Embedding Knowledge in Web Documents
    - Philippe Martin, Peter Eklund 

C3  Hypermedia and Video
Chair: Wendy Hall
  • Anticipating SMIL 2.0: The Development Cooperative Infrastructure for Multimedia on the Web
    - Lloyd Rutledge, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lynda Hardman, Dick C. A. Bulterman 
  • A Comparison of Schemas for Video Metadata Representation
    - Jane Hunter, Liz Armstrong 
  • Integrating Temporal Media and Open Hypermedia on the World Wide Web
    - Niels Olof Bouvin, René Schade 

P3  Panel - Web-based Everything: Are HTTP, DAV and
XML Enough?
  • Moderator: Josh Cohen, Microsoft Corp
  • Panelists:
    - Mark Day, Lotus Corp.
    - Henrik Frystyk-Nielsen, MIT
    - Alex Hopmann, Microsoft Corp.
    - Rohit Khare, University of California, Irvine
    - Keith Moore, IETF
    - Chris Newman, Innosoft International, Inc.

IN3  WWW8 Workshop Summary Reports
  • Chair: Benay Dara-Abrams

WC3  (W3C) Technologies Serving Society
  • P3P Advances
    Presenter: Danny Weitzner
  • Signed XML
    Presenter: Joseph Reagle
  • Query Languages
    Presenter: Massimo Marchiori

4:45 pm - 6:00 pm


  • Keynote Speaker: John Patrick
    E-Business and the Future of the Internet

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Posters Reception

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions


Thursday, May 13

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 Updated: May 4, 1999
International World Wide Web Conference Committee and Foretec Seminars