8th International World Wide Web Conference:
Volunteer Newsletters

WWW 8 Newsletter #3

Welcome to Newsletter # 3.

The online registration forms are arriving at a steady rate and we already have a good number of highly qualified and experienced applicants. If you are interested in volunteering for the conference hurry and get your application to us as the Registration Form will not be available after 3/19/99. We will not consider any registrations received after that date.

Make sure you only fill out and submit the Volunteer's Registration Form, do not attempt to submit a Delegate Registration Form until we ask you to. The first batch of acceptances will go out shortly with all offers for places finalized immediately after the closing date. We will advise all applicants, accepted or not by 3/22/99.

It looks like we will have a lot more applicants than positions available so make sure you include as much information as you can about yourself including a resume. Selections are made primarily on qualifications and past web conference experience. We also try to assemble a team that will represent as much international diversity as possible. The experience of being a volunteer is greatly enriched by working and interacting with people from other countries, many of us develop ongoing friendships with people from many different cultures. Past web conference experience is not essential, a lot of applicants are students wishing to develop their skills by working first hand on a network intensive event such as an International Web Conference. We do attempt to provide this opportunity as long as the applicant can demonstrate a reasonable level of ability in network building and management or AV production.

An effective Volunteer Team also depends on local participation. Currently we do not have a lot of Toronto applicants so if you live in the area and are thinking of signing up, we will welcome your local knowledge.

This will be the last online newsletter for WWW8. As an accepted Volunteer you will receive regular updates by email. Those who do not make it onto the team will also be advised by email. Please do not be discouraged if you don't make it this year, next year's conference, WWW9 will be held in Amsterdam and the call for volunteers will go out once again so please keep trying. On behalf of the organizers of WWW8 I thank everyone who has sent in an application for your time and interest in the conference.

Best Regards,

John Miller,

Mark Nguyen

Volunteer Organizing Committee, WWW8

[Volunteers Newsletters]
Last modified Tue Mar 9 1999 by gio