8th International World Wide Web Conference:
Volunteer Newsletters

WWW 8 Newsletter #2

Welcome to Newsletter #2. The Volunteer's registration form is now online and anyone interested in working for WWW8 should fill it out and submit as soon as possible.

Volunteers will be involved in helping to run the conference Network and Audiovisual so we are looking for people with specific skills in these areas. Positions will be limited so use the form to tell us as much as you can about your qualifications. Please include a resume if you have one as well.

Once again we will be offering scaled levels of participation, you can sign up to work for Conference Registration, Accommodation and Registration or Accommodation only. The number of hours required to work for each level will be worked out shortly and you will be advised of what your obligation will be when we notify you of your acceptance.The first batch of acceptances will go out by the end of February.

As the conference gets closer we will supply you with a roster for the week. All Volunteers will be required to start work at 9.00am on Sunday 5/9/99. This will be the critical time for training and set up so we need everyone there. You will have an opportunity to advise us of the times that you don't want to work so you will be able to attend the conference sessions that you want to. We try wherever possible to offer a flexible roster system to achieve a balance between work commitments and experiencing the content of the conference. Accommodation will be available from Saturday 5/8/99 and will be within walking distance of the Convention Center.

So keep checking this space for further newsletters and updates, study the Conference Schedule as it becomes available and hurry and get your registration form to us. If you have any questions, you can contact me at jmiller@scu.edu.au.

John Miller,

Co Chair WWW8 Volunteers

[Volunteers Newsletters]
Last modified Tue Feb 22 1999 by gio