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Tuesday May 11


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A wide range of tutorial topics are being offered at WWW8. There are full-day tutorials on the Extensible Markup Language XML, the Extensible Stylesheet Language XSLT, Web metadata, and information retrieval and search engines. Half-day tutorials include E-commerce, security, Web engineering, the Resource Description Framework RDF, the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language SMIL, Java, Web collaboration using distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV), JavaScript/ECMA, and Web internationalization. The Tuesday registration fee covers one full-day or two half-day tutorials.


WWW8 workshops provide an opportunity to explore current Web issues in small, focused group settings. This year's workshop topics include the advancement of virtual documents and hypertext functionality, online learning, adaptive user modeling, the advancement of Web engineering techniques, and methods for managing intellectual content on the Web. Most of the workshops are open to anyone wishing to sign up for them, although total attendance at each workshop will be limited to encourage a high degree of interaction. All tutorials are full-day.

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 Updated: April 13, 1999
International World Wide Web Conference Committee and Foretec Seminars