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Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee to Keynote
Premier International World Wide Web Conference

Reston, VA, April 19, 1999
- The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) of Geneva, Switzerland and Foretec Seminars of Reston, VA have announced that Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), will deliver a keynote speech at The Eighth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW8). Berners-Lee will join conference attendees and technology visionaries from around the world as they discuss and plan the evolution of the Web as we move into the next millennium.

Berners-Lee joins keynote speakers Robert Metcalfe, vice president of technology for International Data Group (IDG), Greg Papadopoulos, chief technology officer of Sun Microsystems and John Patrick, vice president Internet technology, IBM. The conference, sponsored by the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) and Foretec Seminars will be held May 11 - 14, 1999, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada.

Registration for the conference is available online at /www8/ or call (703) 620-9053.

Tim Berners-Lee, recently named by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the century, invented the World Wide Web, the Internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing. Berners-Lee directs the W3C at the Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT. W3C is uniquely positioned to lead the development of the Web to its full potential. W3C poses questions, explores potential solutions, and then provides technology solutions (both specifications and software) that are stable, reliable, and as Open Source, available to all.

"As always, I'll be looking at the dreams we had at WWW1 in Geneva, and whether they have or have not come true," said Berners-Lee, remarking on his WWW8 keynote. "I'll be looking at whether this frenetic activity at W3C and elsewhere is going to bridge the gap - and if not, what can."

"This year marks the tenth anniversary of Tim's initial proposal of the Web," said Albert Vezza, co-chair of the WWW8 conference. "While we may reflect a bit on what has developed in the past ten years, Tim's speech addressing what happens in the next ten years provides even more excitement and promise to our conference attendees, and perhaps more questions than answers."

WWW8 will address many pressing issues and hot topics concerning the World Wide Web.

Conference offerings include:

Tutorials and Workshops, May 11
A program of four full- and 11 half-day tutorials, and six workshops will cover current topics and issues such as the design of Web sites, multimedia interfaces, Web GUIs, security, authentication, and Web protocols. These half- and full-day sessions will feature internationally recognized authorities who are well-grounded in the practical realities of the every-day world.

Main Conference, May 12-13
The main conference program will consists of: keynote speakers; an academic track at which 48 papers selected by the program committee will be presented in three parallel tracks; a W3C track; and an industry track at which industry representatives will discuss the challenges, opportunities and issues faced by organizations in the new network/information economy.

The W3C sessions will provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view of activities and developments being led by the W3C. Overviews, more detailed technical presentations, and question and answer sessions will cover the current W3C activity domains of User Interface, Technology and Society, Architecture, and the Web Accessibility Initiative.

Developer's Day, May 14
Presentations will address topics of specific interest to Web software developers, including state-of-the-art software, protocols, and hardware.

History Space: The Web is 10 Years Old!
To mark the passing of the first ten years, a special space will be dedicated to collecting material on Web history. Conference attendees are encouraged to bring Web related lore (e.g., anecdotes, recollections, dates and times, names, opinions) or possessions (e.g., papers, messages, T-shirts, books, mugs, computers, old web pages, old web sites, photos, tapes, disks).

Pre-Conference Courses, May 10
Two full-day courses will be presented prior to the WWW8 Conference: "Strategies for Rapid 'Net Deployment," by William Ruh of Concept Five Technologies, Inc. and "Distributed Object Security for Web-based Applications," by Philip Wherry, also of Concept Five Technologies.

About IW3C2
IW3C2 was formed in August 1994 to continue a series of academic level conferences, the first of which was held in Geneva. Other conferences in this series were held in Chicago, Darmstadt, Boston, Paris, Santa Clara, and Brisbane. IW3C2 formally incorporated in May 1996 as a non-profit association. For more information about IW3C2, visit http://www.iw3c2.org.

About Foretec Seminars
Foretec Seminars, Inc., formed in 1997 as a subsidiary of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), currently manages the International World Wide Web Conferences for IW3C2. Foretec is also responsible for managing various functions of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Secretariat for CNRI including arranging IETF meetings.

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 Updated: April 20, 1999
International World Wide Web Conference Committee and Foretec Seminars