
Conference Posters



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Wednesday May 12 - Thursday May 13

  • Improved Web Searching Using Neighbourhood Ranking
    Onn Brandman, Charles P. Elkan, Ramamohan Paturi

  • Leveraging Template-based Website Implementations Using Design Methods
    Daniel Schwabe, Rita de Almeida Pontes, Isabela Moura

  • A Distributed Link Service using Query Routing
    David De Roure, Samhaa El-Beltagy, Les Carr, Wendy Hall

  • Controlled Local Replication for Hash Routing among Proxy Web Caches
    Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu

  • Electronic Commerce and WDDX: Applications of XML and EDI via the Web
    Simeon Simeonov, G. Hussain Chinoy

  • WebTrader: Discovery and Programmed Access to Web-Based Services
    Venu Vasudevan, Tom Bannon

  • Scalable, Real-time and Multicast/Unicast-switchable Push Technology, and Trial Services
    Shingo Kinoshita, Takahiko Nagata, Teruji Shiroshita, Norihiro Ishikawa, Tetsuo Sano, Osamu Takahashi

  • WebTransformer: An infrastructure for Web content transformation
    R. Sridharan, HweeHwa Pang

  • Cybergenre and Web Site Design
    Carolyn Watters, Michael Shepherd

  • Degree of Organization: Modeling Collaboration Structures in Information Marketplaces
    Srinath Srinivasa, Myra Spiliopoulou

  • Client-Based Web Prefetch Management
    Frank Sorenson, J. Kelly Flanagan, Song Peng

  • Watson: An Information Management Assistant
    Kristian J. Hammond, Jay Budzik

  • ConfMan: Integrated WWW and DBS Support for Conference Organization
    Pal Halvorsen, Ketil Lund, Vera Goebel, Thomas Plagemann, Thomas Preuss, Hartmut Koenig

  • Summarization and Selection of Information Sources using Automated Classification
    R. Dolin, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi

  • On2broker in a Nutshell
    Dieter Fensel, Andreas Witt, Jurgen Angele, Stefan Decker, Michael Erdmann, Hans-Peter Schnurr, Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer

  • Mining Web Access Logs Using a Fuzzy Relational Clustering Algorithm Based on a Robust Estimator
    Olfa Nasraoui, Raghu Krishnapuram, Anupam Joshi

  • Outbound Information Analysis for Profiling and Active Email
    Matthias Eichstaedt, Qi Lu, Shang-Hua Teng, Daniel Ford, Udi Manber

  • Design and Implementation of Information Store and Retrieval Facility on CORBA
    Winston Lo, Yue-Shan Chang, Chii-Long Chou, Shyan-Ming Yuan

  • One to One Marketing on the Web: How to Exploit User Modelling in the SiteIF Project
    Anna Stefani, Carlo Strapparava

  • Accessibility of Web Pages
    Reto Ambuehler, Jakob Lindenmeyer

  • KBS Hyperbook - A Data-Driven Information System on the Web
    W. Nejdl, M. Wolpers

  • Ascit: The Sarnoff Search Helper
    Dina Kravets

  • WCS: Consistent Update and Retrieval of Documents in a WWW Server
    Sampath Rangarajan, Shalini Yajnik

  • SimulNet: Building Virtual Teaching Laboratories for the Web
    Luis Anido, Martin Llamas, Manuel J. Fernandez

  • World Wide Web Information Retrieval Support Through User Histories
    Milena Head, Norm Archer, Yufei Yuan

  • Dynamic Connection Closing Time Selection for HTTP/1.1 Servers
    Moncef Elaoud, Cormac J. Sreenan, Parameswaran Ramanathan, Prathima Agrawal

  • Using UML for the Engineering of Complex World Wide Web Services
    Markus W. Schranz

  • NaviGuiding through the many faces of the Web
    - Yossi Matias, Gadi Wolfman

  • DeskTOP: A Virtual Environment on the Web to Promote Social Interaction and Collaborative Work
    Roberto C. Portugal, Luis A. Guerrero, David A. Fuller

  • Content Characterization from the WWW
    Takehiro Nakayama, Hiroki Kato

  • Bookmark-Agent: Information Sharing of URLs
    Mikihiko Mori, Seiji Yamada

  • InfoBus Repeater: A Java-based Publish/Subscribe Middleware
    Naohiko Uramoto, Kent Tamura, Kazuyo Yagishita, Hiroshi Maruyama

  • Using the Web as a Basis for an Efficient Platform Independent Client-driven Molecular Visualization System
    Michael Bender, Axel Seck, Hans Hagen

  • On the Performance of Search Engines over Time - A Case Study
    Judit Bar-Ilan

  • GeoViser: Geo-Spatial Clustering and Visualization of Search
    Jayesh Govindarajan, Matthew Ward

  • Using the WWW for Teaching and Assessment of Electrical Engineering
    Melissa Norfolk, Craig Burton, Iven Mareels, Robert Barnett

  • Visual Web Browser - mapping and navigating the Web with a sense of "space"
    Mao Lin Huang, Peter Eades, Wei Lai, Yanchun Zhang

  • An eXtensible Web Modeling Framework
    Reinhold Klapsing, Gustaf Neumann

  • Web Server Benchmarking and Web Traffic Modeling
    Zhen Liu, Nicolas Niclausse, Cesar Jalpa-Villanueva

  • Automatically Finding and Repairing Broken Links Between XML Documents
    Ryan L. McFall, Matt W. Mutka

  • On Constructing Personalized Navigation Trees for Web Documents
    Quoc Vu, Wen-Syan Li, Edward Chang

  • Measurement and Analysis of Organization-Based Web-Object Sharing and Caching
    Alec Wolman, Geoffrey Voelker, Nitin Sharma, Neal Cardwell, Molly Brown, Tashana Landray, Denise Pinnel, Anna Karlin, Henry Levy

  • Data Extraction from Dynamic Web Sites: Combining Crawling and Extraction
    Michael Rys, Ka Fai Yau

  • Three Dimensional Animation of Changes in Web Access Using Dynamic System Simulation
    Noritaka Osawa, Hitoshi Ohnishi

  • WCML: An enabling technology for the reuse in object-oriented Web Engineering
    Martin Gaedke, Daniel Schempf, Hans-Werner Gellersen

  • Implement, Gustaf! - The Kino XML/CSS Processor
    Eckhart Koppen, Gustaf Neumann

  • Efficient Web Spidering with Reinforcement Learning
    Jason Rennie, Andrew McCallum

  • WebPlaces: Adding People to the Web
    Paul P. Maglio, Rob Barrett

  • Creating WWW Transcripts of Internet Collaborations
    Paul Castro, Du Li, Richard Muntz

  • Conceptual Bookmark Organization: Automatic Classification of
    Ralf Hauber

  • Building Blocks for Dynamic Web Applications
    Peter Orbaek

  • Network Information Filtering on Bookmark Service
    Zengxiang Lu, Da Liu, Yanda Li

  • A Scalable and Highly Available Web Server Accelerator
    Junehwa Song, Eric Levy, Arun Iyengar, Daniel Dias

  • Scientific Literature Indexing on the Web
    Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles, Kurt Bollacker

  • Web Use by U.S. Intelligence: A Case Study
    Fredrick Thomas MARTIN

  • COCA Web: a Platform for World-Wide Collaboration and Electronic Commerce
    Du Li, Zhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz

  • Retrieving Semantically Similar Images on the WWW
    Junghoo Cho, Sougata Mukherjea

  • Adding Dynamism to XML for Web Applications Using Java
    Neel Sundaresan, Susan B Lee

  • An Architecture for Summarizing the Web
    Neel Sundaresan, Daniel A Ford

  • jCentral: Search the web for Java
    Qi Lu, Reiner Kraft, Matthias Eichstaedt, Gabi Zodik, Ron Pinter, Daniel Ford, Dirk Nicol

  • CrossJam and XML: Clean Server Parsed Pages Through Simple Document Transformation
    Brian M. Dennis

  • Document enhanced with temporal information
    Tony Allan, Gayle Allan

  • Theseus: Categorization by Context
    Giuseppe Attardi, Antonio Gulli, Fabrizio Sebastiani

  • Finding the Underlying Links within Analytical Web Applications
    Bartel Van de Walle, Michael Bieber

  • Roaming on the Web - Domain-Specific Intelligent Search
    Cindy Olivia, Carlos F. Enguix, Chee-Fon Chang, Aditya K. Ghose

  • PSL - A Style Sheet Language Midway Between CSS and XSL
    Philip M. Marden, Jr., Ethan V. Munson

  • Website News - A Website Tracking and Visualization Service
    Yih-Farn Chen, Eleftherios Koutsofios

  • WWWPal Client-Server System for Webgraphs
    John Punin, Yongxing Wang, Mukkai Krishnamoorthy

  • WebDisco - Applying Link Analysis to Web Search
    Brian D. Davison, Apostolos Gerasoulis, Konstantinos Kleisouris, Yingfang Lu, Hyun-ju Seo, Wei Wang, Baohua Wu

  • Using Precision and Recall to Measure the Performance of Web Crawlers
    Nobuko Kishi
  • Towards a usermetric tool to improve web accessibility
    Yin Leng Theng, Harold Thimbleby

  • Capturing the web dialogue
    Julie Gibson, Philip Rutherford

  • A Site-based outliner for Small Screen Web Access
    Matt Jones, Gary Marsden, Norliza Mohd Nasir, George Buchanan

  • Toward Web Navigation across Language Barriers
    Yoshihiko Hayashi, Genichiro Kikui, Seiji Susaki, Toshiaki Iwadera , Kazunari Watanabe

  • York; An Extensible PersonalJava Runtime Containment System
    Mark Baker, Joshua Duggan

  • iProxy - An Agent-Based Middleware
    Herman Rao, Yih-Farn Chen

  • Making WWW applications weather proof - Adaptive use of Internet bandwidth
    Matthew Addis, Paul Allen, YewBie Cheng, Mike Hall, Wendy Hall, Dave DeRoure

  • Subject-Based Information Gateways in the UK
    Brian Kelly, Roddy MacLeod

  • Converting HTML Documents to Speech
    Jin-Chin Chung, Chung-Ping Chung

  • Meaningful Link Verification for Management and Maintenance of Web Sites
    George Buchanan, Gil Marsden, Harold Thimbleby

  • LOUIS - A Labeling-based Recommender System for Web Resources and Communities of Interest
    Hideo Umeki, Takehiko Yokota

  • Session Based Admission Control - A Mechanism for Web QoS
    Ludmila Cherkasova, Peter Phaal

 Updated: March 10, 1999
International World Wide Web Conference Committee and Foretec Seminars