Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions will be held Wednesday
evening beginning at 7PM and Thursday evening beginning at 6
PM, ending by 10 PM both days. Anyone may request that a BOF
be scheduled as follows:
- Prior to Sunday May 9th: send a request by email to bof@/www8/ with "BOF Request"
in the subject field, stating the BOF title and brief statement
of issues/goals to be discussed, desired evening and start time,
and your name, company and position or specialty
- Sunday May 9th to Noon Thursday May 13th: fill out a request
form at the conference registration desk (4-6pm Sunday, 8am-6pm
Monday and Tuesday, 8am-4pm Wednesday, 8am-Noon Thursday)
BOF topics should be appropriate to the conference, and
will be considered for room assignments on a first-come-first-served
basis. A list of scheduled BOFs will be posted in the registration
area at the conference, and will also be available on the conference