WWW7 Conference
WWW 7 Volunteers

                           Newsletter #5 9/3/98

Hello Volunteers,

The volunteer team is starting to take shape and is looking good. Registration has now closed, we have received a lot more applications than we have places for and a lot of applicants are on standby waiting for confirmation from those of you who have been notified of your acceptance, so please hurry and let me know if you are coming. I realise many of you are probably begging for the airfare and this takes time. Those of you who have not yet received confirmation - don't give up yet there will be a few more positions available when we finalise the confirmation process from batch 1 & 2. I intend to let everyone who applied know one way or the other. Thanks to everyone who sent in a form, there is a lot of interest and enthusiasm out there and we will have a broad representation of volunteers from every continent. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and working with you in what should be a very rewarding experience for all of us.

I am still waiting to hear from a few people who where accepted in the first batch, I can only give you a few more days before I will have to give your spot to someone else. Those who where accepted in Batch 2 have another 2 weeks. The sooner we know for sure who is coming and who is not, the sooner we can get down to the business of booking your accomodation, getting your registration organised and working out your work schedule.

We will be asking you to register for the conference once acceptances are finalised in 2 weeks.I will advise you by email when to do this, please don't attempt to register for the conference just yet. If you are overseas and shopping for airfares, make sure you check the WWW 7 home page for our sponsored airlines. They should be able to give you a special rate for attending the conference.

I've been asked about extra accommodation. At this stage we provide accommodation from Sunday night to the next Sunday morning the week of the conference. You can book extra nights for $AU35 at St Johns.

The registration form link will be replaced by an information form which you need to fill out and send to me. This will let us know more specific details, such as when you will be arriving, what accommodation you require, your T Shirt size and other important stuff. Closer to the conference you will be asked to send another information form that will let us know what times you want off during the conference and if you need a lift from the airport etc.

The technical program is available now in draft form and will become more detailed as the conference gets closer. We won't ask you to let us know the sessions you want time to attend untill a couple of weeks before so you have plenty of time to study the content.

That's about it for this one. Please hurry and let me know if you are coming. If you are having trouble getting things together, just let me know. I've been through this process myself and I know what it's like.

Talk To You Soon,

John Miller

Last updated on 10 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. 
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