WWW7 Conference
WWW 7 Volunteers
                           Newsletter #4 2/3/98
Hello Volunteers, 

Registrations are pouring in and by now many of you will have received confirmation of acceptance. If you haven't, there will be another batch sent out shortly. 

We almost have enough registrations to run with, the form will remain active for another week to give everyone a fair shot at it. We have a limited number of positions available and there will be more applicants than places so some of you unfortunately will miss out. Volunteers will be working as technical support staff only so the more Networking / AV experience you have the better your chance. 

Places for people seeking registration and accommodation are almost filled, there are still a number of positions for those wanting accommodation only. Registrations will close Friday 2/13/98. The final acceptances will go out by Monday 16th so if you haven't heard from me by then it will be safe to assume you don't have a position. I will e-mail everyone who sends an application so you will be advised one way or the other. 

Successful applicants will initially receive an acceptance e-mail, which you need to reply to advising me of your acceptance and that you have read this newsletter which shortly will outline details of our offer and what we expect in return. Future newsletters will go into finer details of arrangements, schedules etc. Once we have finalised acceptances you will receive a form to send back giving us more details such as when you require accommodation, when you will arrive, times you wish to attend conference papers etc. Last newsletter I mentioned that no one will be required until Monday evening, this is still the case however we will be providing accommodation from Sunday night to give everyone enough time to arrive and sleep off jet lag, find your way around etc.The draft program for the conference is now available so make sure you check this and work out in advance which parts of the conference you wish to see. We are aiming to have your schedule to you well in advance and every effort will be made to ensure you can participate in as much of the content as possible. 

Before accepting, please read the following so you understand what we expect of each other: 

We offer accommodation and full registration for the conference in exchange for your services as technical support staff to assist the set up and operation of technical facilities for the conference. 

There are 3 levels of participation in the Volunteer program, each requiring a number of hours of work: 

Accommodation and Registration - 35 Hours 

Registration Only - 24 Hours 

Accommodation Only - 15Hours 

Accommodation will be provided at St Johns College, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane Queensland. 

This is standard student accomodation, your own room and bed with communal bathroom facilities. We provide a room per volunteer from check in Sunday 4/12/98 to check out Sunday morning 4/19/98. 

Transport: The conference does not cover the costs of transport to Brisbane. We do cover the costs of transport to BCEC - River Cat tickets for all staying at St Johns, reimbursed Public Transport for non accommodated volunteers. 

Meals: Accommodated volunteers receive breakfast every morning at St Johns. All volunteers receive lunch, morning and afternoon tea, the same as all delegates during the conference. Lunch will not be provided Monday 4/13/98, there will be a Barbecue in the evening as a part of the Volunteer training session planned for that time. All volunteers will be able to attend the main conference dinner. There are no formal arrangements for dinners on the other nights, those working late shifts will be catered for. 

Work Schedule: Exact schedule will not be known until the program is finalised, at this stage we are organising 6 hour shifts each day to cover all operating times. You will receive a form to advise us of the hours you want to work and the times you want off to attend conference sessions. We will make every attempt to give you the times you want but do not guarantee this. We will have a system for formally trading shifts with other agreeable volunteers. Everyone is required to be available for set up on Tuesday 4/14. There will probably be 3 shifts operating that day and should be a good opportunity to work a large amount of your required hours. 

Registration: Volunteers get a full delegates registration, including copies of proceedings, conference bag, T-shirts etc. All volunteers are expected to be registered delegates, either self registered or registered by us in exchange for work. There will be limited opportunities to participate in workshops and tutorials on a "On Duty" basis. 

That's about it for now, next newsletter we'll start getting down to details, thanks to all who have responded, be assured we are working hard to make WWW7 live up to all expectations. 

John Miller 


Last updated on 10 April 1998 Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /volunteers/volnews4.html 
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