WWW7 Sponsors WWW7 Conference

WWW7 acknowledges the sponsorship and support of the following organizations:

Sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses which want to be associated with the most exciting Web event Australia has ever seen. 

The conference will attract thousands of delegates - 50% international 

The PC-IT `98 Brisbane Exhibition being held in conjunction with WWW7 is expected to attract around 20,000 attendees. 

There is a wide range of WWW7 sponsorship opportunities for all types and sizes of organisations. 

This is an opportunity to showcase your organisation as part of the biggest Internet meeting in the world. 

For more information, email: sponsorship@www7.conf.au  

Last updated on 16 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /www7/sponsors/sponsors.html 
Copyright WWW7 Consortium and IW3C2, 1997-98, All Rights Reserved