The W3C Track at WWW7 

Final W3C Track outline 

The organisation's Director, Tim Berners-Lee, providing the 
Conference with the opening Keynote address, W3C will also use the conference to present its  "Annual Report" to the broader Web community on the history, overview, accomplishments and next steps of key activities within the consortium's four technical Domains: 

  • User interface,
  • Architecture, 
  • Technology & Society, 
  • Web Accessibility Initiative. 

The preliminary details for the Track are: 

WWW7 Opening Conference Keynote: Director Tim Berners-Lee  

W3C Overview: Chairman Jean-Francois Abramatic 

Overview: Domain Leader Vincent Quint  
Sessions to include the latest developments in various Domain Activities, 
including HTML, CSS, and DOM 

Overview: Domain Leader Dan Connolly  
Sessions to include the latest developments in various Domain Activities, 
including HTTP and XML 

Overview: Acting Domain Leader Alan Kotok 
Sessions to include the latest developments in various Domain Activities, 
including P3P and Metadata 

Overview: WAI International Program Office Director Judy Brewer 
Sessions to include the latest developments in various WAI Activities, 
including Technical Specification Improvements, Guidelines, Education & 
Outreach, and Evaluation Tools and Prototyping 

W3C Town Meeting Session 

Close of W3C Track 

A detailed program will be available in the near future. 

For further information regarding the W3C track please see: 

WWW7 Newsletter  
The executive management and select technical staff members of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) will be at WWW7 to present the sole "Annual Report" to the broader Web community on the history, overview, accomplishments and next steps of key activities within the Consortium's four technical Domains: 
  • Architecture, 
  • User Interface, 
  • Technology & Society, 
  • Web Accessibility Initiative. 
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web, will deliver WWW7's opening keynote speech and kickoff the three-day W3C Track. As in past WWW conferences, following each presentation will be a panel discussion with W3C staff, working group chairs, and invited industry experts. Following the positive response at last year's WWW6 conference, the W3C Track will close with a "Town Hall" session with W3C executive management, allowing the community to offer feedback on W3C's direction and representation. 
Confirmed W3C representatives participating at WWW7 include members of the technical staff, visiting engineers from W3C Member organizations, and management. The executive management includes: 
  • Tim Berners-Lee, Director
  • Jean-François Abramatic, Chairman; 
  • Nobuo Saito, Associate Chairman; 
  • Alan Kotok, Associate Chairman  Acting Technology & Society Domain Leader; 
  • Vincent Quint, Deputy Director for Europe and User Interface Domain Leader; 
  • Tatsuya Hagino, Deputy Director for Asia; 
  • Judy Brewer, Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative International Program Office; 
  • Dan Connolly, Architecture Domain Leader; 
  • Sally Khudairi, Head of Communications
Leading the World Wide Web to its full potential, the W3C was created to develop common protocols that enhance the interoperability and promote the evolution of the Web. It is an international industry consortium jointly run by the : 
  • MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) in the USA, 
  • the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) in France 
  • Keio University in Japan. 
Services provided by the Consortium include: a repository of information about the World Wide Web for developers and users; reference code implementations to embody and promote standards; and various prototype and sample applications to demonstrate use of new technology. To date, over 235 organizations are Members of the Consortium. 

DAY 1-- Wednesday, April 15 

  * W3C - Leading the Web to its Full Potential - Presented by: 
          Jean-François Abramatic 
  * W3C Architecture Domain - Presented by: Dan Connolly 
  * HTTP - NG: Web Characterization - Presented by: Jim Pitkow, Xerox PARC 
  * HTTP - NG: Protocol Design - Presented by: Henrik Frystyk Nielsen 
  * Extensible Markup Language (XML) - Presented by: Dan Connolly 
  * Developments and Extensions in Jigsaw - Presented by: Daniel Veillard 
    and Yves Lafon 
  * Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) - Presented by: 
    Dick Bulterman, CWI;   Mark Hakkinen, Productivity Works; 
    and George Kerscher, Daisy Consortium 

 Day 2 -- Thursday, April 16 

  * User Interface Domain Overview - Presented by: Vincent Quint 
  * The Future of HTML - Presented by: Dave Raggett and Tatsuya Hagino 
  * Internationalization (I18N) - Presented by: Bert Bos and Martin Duerst 
  * Cascading Style Sheets, eXtensible Style Language, Fonts, and Graphics 
    - Presented by: Håkon Lie and Chris Lilley 
  * Document Object Model (DOM) - Presented by: Lauren Wood, SoftQuad 
  * Amaya - A Complete Web Authoring and Browsing Environment - Presented 
    by: Irène Vatton, 
  * W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - Presented by: Judy Brewer and 
    Daniel Dardailler 

 DAY 3 -- Friday, April 17 

  * W3C Technology & Society Domain - Presented by: Alan Kotok 
  * Resource Description Framework (RDF) - Presented By: Josef Dietl 
  * Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) - Presented by: Lorrie Faith 
    Cranor, AT&T 
  * Electronic Commerce - Presented by: Josef Dietl 
  * W3C Town Hall Session - Presented by the W3C Executive Management 

 For more information about W3C, see 

Last updated on 10 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /programme/w3ctrack.html 
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