Memory-based architecture for distributed WWW caching proxy

Norifumi Nishikawaa, Takafumi Hosokawaa, Yasuhide Morib,
Kenichi Yoshidab, and Hiroshi Tsujia

aHitachi, Ltd., Systems Development Laboratory
Kansai Bldg. 8-3-45 Nankouhigashi, Suminoe, Osaka, 559 Japan
Tel: +81-6-616-1106, Fax:+81-6-616-1109, and

bHitachi, Ltd., Advanced Research Laboratory
Hatoyama, Saitama, 350-03, Japan
Tel:+81-492-96-6111, Fax:+81-492-96-5999 and

In networks with heavy WWW traffic, the disk I/O performance can become a bottleneck for caching proxies. To solve this problem, we propose a memory-based architecture for WWW caching proxies. The features of the proposed architecture are (1) a cache contents control that retrieves only frequently accessed WWW pages, and (2) an automatic distribution mechanism that enables efficient cache space sharing among multiple caching proxies. A statistical analysis shows that our approach reduces the required cache space. It consumes only 1/10 the cache space of current typical proxies while retaining the same cache hit rate. The reduced cache space enables the use of fast DRAMs in the caching proxies, and solves the disk I/O problem.

Cache; Proxy; Memory-based; Frequency; Distribution

1. Introduction

The World Wide Web (WWW) has recently become a widely used network. It symbolizes the benefits of a networked society. The rapid growth in the demand to get logged on, however, has caused heavy network overloads at times, and has resulted in slow network responses, spoiling benefits of the Internet. For example, WWW traffic, which had not appeared in the network traffic statistics a few years ago, has increased and has become the main network traffic of today [1]. Even though network bandwidths are widened, WWW traffic continues to grow and consume all of the increases immediately.

To alleviate this situation, WWW caching proxies try to reduce network traffic by omitting duplicated WWW traffic. Caching technologies such as hierarchical caching [2] and distributed caching [3] have also been proposed. These major caching proxies [2,4,5] use a time-to-live (TTL) based cache replacement strategy. In these proxies, the value of the expire date field is used as the TTL value of the page. According to this approach, when the cache storage is full, the cached pages whose TTL values have expired are replaced with new WWW pages.

In the design of our caching strategy, consideration is important on the characteristics of WWW traffic. It has been reported [7] that WWW access patterns follow Zipf's law. That is, the ith frequently accessed WWW page will be accessed C/i times. Here, parameter C characterizes the total number of WWW pages. The important consequences of this are (1) WWW accesses are localized on a few particular WWW pages, and (2) the remaining of WWW pages, which will probably not be accessed again, make the conventional TTL based caching strategy inefficient due to the excessive disk I/O operations.

In this study, we carefully reanalyze WWW traffic and design a caching strategy that is adapted to typical WWW access patterns. In fact, we propose the following: (1) a cache contents control that selects only frequently accessed WWW pages, and (2) an automatic configuration mechanism that enables the efficient sharing of the cache space among multiple caching proxies. A statistical analysis shows that our approach can reduce the required cache space. It consumes only 1/10 the cache space of current typical proxies while retaining the same cache hit rate. The reduced cache space enables the use of fast DRAMs in the caching proxies and solves the disk I/O problem.

In the next section, WWW traffic is reanalyzed, and Section 3 presents our memory based caching strategy. Section 4 explains the experimental results, and Section 5 discusses related research issues.

2. WWW traffic analysis

It has been reported [7] that WWW access patterns follow Zipf's law. Our research confirms this with additional findings. In this section, we reanalyze characteristics of WWW traffic, and also estimate the performance of conventional caching strategies using the reanalyzed WWW traffic characteristics.

2.1. Characteristics of WWW traffic

Zipf's law is an empirical law about the word frequency in a document. The following Eq. 1 expresses the law:
frk = C(1)

Here, f is the frequency of a word, and r is the rank of the word sorted in the decreasing order of frequency. C and k are constants.

The frequency of WWW pages also follows Zipf's law. Figure 1a shows the relationship between the access frequency of WWW pages and their rankings. Although [7] reports k as 1.0 in their traffic, it is 0.75 in the traffic shown in Fig. 1.

Note that k is an important parameter which characterizes the distribution of the WWW pages. The WWW access log which we analyzed to draw Fig. 1a was a 16-day access log involving over 2 million WWW accesses, which went through our WWW proxies on a firewall machine. The smaller proxy tended to have a higher k (~0.8) due to the focused interests of the users whose traffic was supported by the proxy. The larger proxy tended to have a lower k (~0.6) due to the scattered interests of the users.

Fig. 1. WWW access frequency distribution.

Figure 1b shows the same frequency information as in Fig. 1a but through a different perspective. As shown in this figure, 70% of the WWW pages were accessed only once, 14% were accessed twice, and only 3% were accessed more than 10 times. Note that all of the data involved observations of more than 2 weeks, and more than 90% of the pages were accessed less than one time a day.

The important findings are that the WWW pages accessed only once are meaningless as cache content, and that the more than 90% of pages that accessed less than 10 times are not important. Therefore, we designed a caching proxy that only stores frequently accessed pages, to decrease the required cache space while retaining the same cache hit rate (see Section 3).

2.2. Estimation of cache hit rate and cache capacity

Before explaining our approach, we show some estimations on the required computing resources using Eq. 1. First, we estimate the cache hit rate of typical caching strategies with a given cache space. Using the above equations, let us compare the hit rates of both strategies. Figure 2 compares the TTL based strategy and frequency based strategy. Here, the value of constant k is 0.75. As shown in this figure, the hit rate of the TTL based strategy increases linearly. On the other hand, the hit rate of the frequency based strategy increases rapidly with a small cache storage. If we can maintain a caching proxy to keep a 40% cache hit rate, the frequency based strategy will use less than 1/10 the caching space of the TTL based strategy while retaining the same cache hit rate.
Fig. 2. Comparison of hit rates (estimated).
Table 1 shows the cache space required to achieve a 40% hit rate with the frequency based strategy (k = 0.75). As shown in this table, the required cache space is much smaller than that for conventional TTL based proxies. This table induces us to confirm the possibility of a memory based architecture.
Table 1. Size of WWW cache storage
Network bandwidth
Total volume of traffic 
per week (bytes)
Size of cache space 
for all pages (bytes)
Size of cache space for 
40% hit rate (bytes)
128 Kbps
9.7 G
2.4 G
62 M
1.5 Mbps
113.4 G
28.4 G
725 M
45 Mbps
3.4 T
850 G
21.8 G
1 Gbps
75.6 T
18.9 T
484 G

2.3. Disk I/O limitation

Table 2 shows the number of accesses, i.e., the number of WWW pages that pass through the proxy, in one second and the number of disk I/O operations needed for caching, provided a hard disk is used for storing the cache.

If we assume the average WWW page size as 10 Kbytes, a T3 line (i.e., 45 Mbps line) can transfer 560 pages/sec (= 45 Mbits /(10 Kbytes * 8 bits)). Since the maximum number of disk I/O operations per second is about 100 (i.e., 1 sec = 100 * (8 msec seek time + 2 msec transfer time)) and each WWW access needs at least one disk I/O operation (i.e., read or write caching operation), a caching proxy for a T3 line needs at least 6 (>5.6) disks. The numbers in Table 2 are calculated in the same way.

The average size of a WWW page is 10 Kbytes in the access log. However, the extremely large contents, e.g., audio data and video data, make this value large. If we ignore such large data, the average size of a WWW data is approximately 3 Kbytes. To create a design with some margin, Table 2 also shows the number of disks for a 3 Kbyte average.

Table 2. Number of WWW access and required disks
Network bandwidth
No. of accesses/sec
No. of disks
10 Kbytes
3 Kbytes
10 Kbytes
3 Kbytes
128 Kbps
1.5 Mbps
45 Mbps
1.9 K
1 Gbps
12.5 K
41.7 K

We believe that Table 2 clearly shows the limitation of a disk based proxy architecture. Since Table 1 seems to suggest the possibility of a memory based architecture, we propose a memory based architecture with a mechanism that allows the cache space to be shared among multiple caching proxies.

3. Memory-based distributed caching proxy

3.1. Basic concept

Though Tables 1 and 2 show the adequacy of a memory based caching architecture, we still need a distribution mechanism to have DRAMs be shared among multiple caching proxies. The important characteristics of the proposed caching architecture are as follows:

3.2. System configuration

Figure 3 shows the configuration of the proposed distributed caching proxy. In Fig. 3, the upper level proxies (P1 and P2) construct the distributed memory cache, and the lower level proxies with a distribution module control the request flow. The distribution module of the lower level proxies selects the appropriate upper level proxy. This shows that the contents of a cache can be distributed and shared among multiple upper level proxies. In Fig. 3, the requests to domain A and B are thrown to upper level proxy P1, and the requests to domain C and D are thrown to upper level proxy P2.  
Fig. 3. Configuration of memory based distributed caching proxies.

4. Experimental results

Although the advantage of the frequency based strategy over the TTL based strategy is a statistical fact, we have to estimate the frequency of each WWW page. A site based frequency analysis and the LRU based caching strategy are the methods we employ to estimate the frequency. This section describes results from experiments we performed to evaluate our strategy using simulation.

4.1. Conditions of the simulation

Figure 4 illustrates the system configuration we assumed for the simulation study. In this simulation, we assumed a hierarchical caching system in a large organization. The lower level proxies (D1–D3) represents the caching proxies running at the department level in a company. The upper level proxies (F1–F4) represent the proxies on the firewall of the company. In the simulation, we assumed every three departments had 13 browsers. Note that the apparent redundancies in the WWW accesses were removed by the local caches of the browsers (C1–C39); therefore achieving a high hit rate for the upper level proxies was to be quite a difficult task.

To make a simulated WWW load, we assumed the requests of the browsers by dividing the accesses in the log described in Section 2. We used a subset of the log which corresponded to accesses over 10 days. Therefore, the simulation assumed a virtual WWW access load from 39 browsers over 10 days.

Fig. 4. System configuration for the simulation. 
In the simulation, we measured the cache hit rate and the traffic reduction of (1) a hierarchical caching system involving the proposed approach, and (2) a similar hierarchical caching system which involving a simple round-robin distribution. In both cases, we did not consider the revalidation of the cached documents. If a page was in the cache, the cache returned the page to the requester; therefore, the traffic to the upper level proxies is not mentioned.

4.2. Results

Cache hit rate of the client caches
Table 3 shows the average hit rate observed for the client caches during 10 days. The average hit rate was approximately 16.3%.
Table 3. Average hit rates for client caches
Dept. name No. of clients No. of requests No. of requests 
to dept. proxies
Hit rate
D1 (C1-13) 13 255,040 213,601 16.2%
D2 (C14-26) 13 373,731 313,600 16.0%
D3 (C27-39) 13 266,355 188,077 16.9%
Total 39 855,126 715,278 16.3%

Cache hit rate of the proxies
Figure 5 shows the transition of the hit rates for the lower level proxies. As shown in this figure, the hit rate of our approach (average: 10.6%) is higher than that of the simple round-robin distribution approach with LRU based strategy (average: 7.9%). The selection of the frequently accessed sites by the analyzer contributed to this improvement.

Fig. 5. Hit rates of lower level proxies. 
Figure 6 shows the transition of hit rate for the upper level proxies. As shown in the figure, the hit rate of the round-robin method (average: 1.9%) is much worse than that of our approach (average: 8%). This figure clearly shows the advantage of our approach. Note that the first day's hit rate of our approach is 0 because there is no distributed information and all requests are forwarded to proxy F4 which has no cache. However, this difference does not appear in the continuous operation of proxies.
Fig. 6. Hit rates of upper level proxies. 
Request distribution
Figure 7 shows the number of requests to each of the upper level proxies (our approach only). As shown in the figure, the loads of caching proxies F1 to F3 are balanced. The load of proxy F4 is higher than those of the other proxies, because of the forwarding to proxy F4 of all requests to URLs of lower access frequency sites (i.e., not the cache candidate URLs). However, proxy F4 is free from the overhead of caching operations.
Fig. 7. Loads of each upper level proxy.
Traffic reducing rate by distributed caches
Figure 8 shows the transition of the total hit rates for the hierarchical caching systems. The average rates of our approach and the round-robin approach are 30.4% and 25.4% respectively.
Fig. 8. Rate of traffic reduction. 
In summary, the simulation results show the following advantages of our approach:
  1. Frequency based cache content selection improves the hit rate of the lower level proxies 2.7% (i.e., from 7.9% to 10.6%).
  2. A frequency based cache distribution improves the hit rate of the upper level proxies 6.1% (i.e., from 1.9% to 8%).
  3. The overall traffic reduction rate (30.4%) of the proposed method is 1.2 times higher than that (25.4%) of the simple round-robin LRU method.
Note that the simple round-robin LRU method has a higher hit rate than the traditional cache system which uses a TTL based strategy. The cache hit rate of a TTL based system is negligible with a storage that gives a 25% hit rate for an LRU based system (see Fig. 2). This significant difference in the cache hit rate with a relatively small cache storage makes our DRAM-based caching architecture feasible.

5. Discussion

5.1. Comparison with ICP-based approach

Internet Caching Protocol (ICP) [6] based distributions are widely used to share the cache contents among the caching proxies. Multiple caching proxies can use this special protocol to exchange their cache contents.

However, Zipf's law suggests a drawback of this approach. According to Zipf's law, there are only a few frequently accessed WWW pages but many rarely accessed WWW pages. The common interests of users of a proxy determine the few frequently accessed WWW pages. If the common interests of user groups are different for the caching proxies, the ICP can not improve the cache hit rate because the cache contents are very different. In such a case, the ICP will only slow down the system response by waiting for sibling responses which tends to make requests fail.

To improve the cache hit rate by the ICP, careful coordination of the sibling proxies is indispensable. Since our approach can increase the similarity of cache contents, it is possible to use our approach with an ICP based method. However, such an implementation remains as a future issue.

5.2. Comparison of modeling methods

According to [10], Zipf's law underestimates the cache hit rate for the LRU strategy. They proposed another estimation method [9] to treat this phenomenon. We also confirmed their finding with our proxy logs.

Our hypothesis behind this reason is the effect of users who do not use the local cache. A single user tends to access the same page repeatedly at short intervals, and this makes the LRU's cache hit rate higher than expected by shortening the average access interval. If we were to modify the access log so that accesses to the same WWW pages from the same clients were removed, the result of the simulation would match Zipf's law's estimation. This supports our hypothesis.

This phenomenon still requires further investigation. However, Zipf's law overestimates the cache space for particular cache hit rates but such overestimation do not obstruct our memory based architecture. We still use modeling techniques based on Zipf's law. Note that our approach is suitable for hierarchical cache configurations.

To estimate the cache hit rate of upper level proxies, which treat the traffic affected by lower level proxies, using Zipf's law seems to be adequate.

5.3. Data size

The size of the data transferred between the analyzer and proxies should be considered for implementation. The size of the logs and control information are about the following values from our simulation described in Section 4. From the discussion above, the size of the control information is small enough. However, the size of the logs is not. Therefore, summarization and/or compression of the logs is desirable. This also remains as a future issue.

6. Conclusion

This paper proposed the concepts of a DRAM based distributed cache system, and showed some experimental results.

We showed that a frequency based cache replacement strategy can reduce the required cache space to 1/10, for a 40% hit rate, that of the typical TTL based cache algorithm. Furthermore, we showed a possibility of the fast speed for the DRAM based distributed architecture. The characteristics of the proposed architecture are (1) a cache contents control that retrieves only frequently accessed WWW pages, and (2) an automatic distribution mechanism that enables the efficient sharing of the cache space among multiple caching proxies.

We compared the performance of the proposed method and a simple round-robin based method through simulations. The experimental results showed that the significant improvement of the cache hit rate with a relatively small cache storage enables our architecture to use DRAMs for cache storage.


[1] Wide Project, Wide Project Research Report, 1995, 1996 (in Japanese).
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[3] J. Gwertzman and M. Seltzer, The case for geographical push-caching, in: HotOS Conference,
[4] Microsoft: Microsoft proxy server,
[5] Squid Internet object cache,
[6] Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), Version 2, 1997,
[7] S. Glassman, A caching relay for the World Wide Web, in: Proc. 1st International Conference on the World Wide Web, 1994,
[8] K. Yoshida, WWW cache layout to ease network overload, in: Proc. of AISTATS'97, 1997, pp. 537–548.
[9] R. Mattson, J. Gecsei, D. Slutz and I. Traiger, Evaluation techniques and storage hierarchies, IBM System Journal, 9: 78–117, 1970.
[10] V. Almeida, A. Bestavros, M. Crovella and A. de Oliveira, Characterizing reference locality in the WWW, in: Proc. of PDIS'96, The IEEE Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, 1996.


Norifumi Nishikawa is a research scientist of Systems Development Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. He received the M.S. degree in computer science in 1991 from University of Kobe. His current research interest includes networked-based application systems and database management system. He is a member of the Information Processing Society of Japan.
Takafumi Hosokawa is a research scientist of Systems Development Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. He received the M.S. degree in physics in 1996 from University of Kyoto. His current research interests are network-oriented service application systems for general public. He is a member of the Information Processing Society of Japan.
Yasuhide Mori is a research scientist of Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. He received the M.S. degree in physics in 1991 from University of Tokyo. His current research interests are pattern recognition, neural networks, and nonlinear dynamics. He is a member of the Physical Society of Japan, and Japanese Neural Network Society.
Kenichi Yoshida is a senior research scientist of Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.  He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Osaka University.  He received the best paper awards from Atomic Energy Society of Japan, from The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, and from Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. His current research interest includes machine learning, knowledge representation, and expert systems.
Hiroshi Tsuji received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto Univ. in 1976, 1978 and 1993, respectively. In 1978, he joined Sys. Dev. Lab, Hitachi, Ltd. In 1987 and 1988, he was a visiting researcher at Carnegie-Mellon University.
His research interests includes knowledge-based system and groupware such as workflow and information sharing. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE-CS, IPSJ, and JSAI. Now he is engaged in social information sharing architecture at Kansai Systems Lab., Hitachi, Ltd.