Keynote speaker :  
Frans De Bruine 
Director of Information Market Policies, European Commission 
Business Day Opening keynote, 
9:00 am Friday 17th April 1998 

Keynote Title : 
Europe's way to the Information Society
Keynote Abstract 
The presentation underlines the changing environment in Europe where a shift in emphasis can be seen from the technological and infrastructural issues to more content related topics.
After a short introduction on the changing multimedia environment, the speech discusses the milestones of the European Union strategy on how to implement the Information Society. 

Three elements will be underlined: 
the vision behind the transformation, the framework provided in terms of regulation and infrastructure, and concrete instrument for implementation.The Action plan for the Safe use of the Internet and a presentation of the EU views on the Global Internet governance, with particular reference to the Domain Name System problem complete the presentation.


Reiner Frans DE BRUÏNE born on December 19, 1942 in the Netherlands

  •  1968 Masters Degree in Physics, Technological University of Delft, the Netherlands
  •  1979 Bachelors Degree in Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  •  1989 Advanced Management Programme, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
  •  1968-1972 Shell International Petroleum Company, London, United Kingdom: various marketing assignments in Europe and Africa (The Netherlands, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Libya, Sierra Leone)
  • 1972-1973  W.D. Scott (NL), The Hague, the Netherlands: Management Consultant
  • 1973-1975  C.N. Rood B.V., The Hague, the Netherlands: Deputy Director Computer Division
  • 1975-1990 Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, the Netherlands:
  •  * Section Head New Energy Sources (1975-1978)
  •  * Deputy Director for Research and Development (1978-1979)
  •  * Director for Technology Policy (1983-1989)
  •  * Managing Director of the Dutch Technology Agency StiPT (1987-1990)
  • Since 1990: Director of the Directorate "Information industry and market and language processing" in the Directorate-General "Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research" (DG XIII) of the European Commission in Luxembourg.
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