Title: Developing business models for E-Commerce
Contact: Lew Shannon shannl@caemail.ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM
This session will commence with the description of a proposed Advanced
Technology Project to create an active object oriented business model
commerce on the Internet for the first two decades of the next century,
which we refer to as SmartModel 2020. This model will be relevant
to each
of the three major electronic commerce areas: business-to-business
commerce, business-to-consumer commerce, and enterprise computing.
SmartModel is dynamic by adapting to environmental changes (including
cultural, and regulatory) and in enabling users to ask enterprise specific
"what if" types of questions to measure the systemic effects of different
future scenarios from different views of electronic commerce. The session
will then be open for comments and general discussion.
Contact Lew Shannon shannl@caemail.ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM |