Go to the issue 2 see what James Gosling (Sun) and Tim Berners-Lee (IBM) said about WWW7, find out who are the consortium members hosting WWW7, discover anything special in the quality of technical papers, check accomodation choices, grab some sightseeing tips etc.
Receive the welcome greetings from Robert Cailliau (co-founder of the WWW7 consortium),discover how the venue looks like, see a picture of the host city - Brisbane, know more about the package tours....etc, all are in issue 1.
The newsletter is currently being produced by traditional print media production methods. If you would like a copy to be mailed out to you, please contact us at info@www7.conf.au
If your browser can handle downloading large jpegs, here are thumbnails which link to each page.
Issue 2 newsletter, here you go : issue 2
Issue 1 newsletter, here you go : issue