WWW7 Virtual Edition - 4:00 pm Wednesday 15th April 1998

Over the past three days a dedicated team of
volunteers have been hard at work putting together
what will be the largest Internet Cafe in
the world.
Over 10 kilometers (!) of cable has been laid, over
1000 connections wired, 200 plus computers configured
and a large Sun microsystems server configured.
At the Cafe there are 100 dedicated Sun Microsystems
workstations provided email and web access to users.
In addition, ethernet and PPP based connections are also
available for delegates with their own laptops
With all the work finally completed the Sun Microsystems
Internet Cafe was finally brought online to full capacity
this afternoon.

Last updated on 22 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /highlights/wednesday/wednesday4pm.html 
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