WWW7 Virtual Edition - 11:30 am Thursday 16th April 1998

The Cultural Track at WWW7 has been designed to focus on
topics of concern to those working in cultural institutions,
trying to make the most of the presence of the Web.
In addition to a program of discussion and lecture sessions, this track has added a unique hands on element to the conference. The plan is to create an electronic Shoe Museum featuring shoes and shoe prints from delegates to the conference. Tim Berners-Lee last night during his presentation at the Internet Circus was also invited to participate in this project.

Participation and involvement of young people, has been
a novel feature of the Cultural Track.  This involvement
was not just limited to the Internet Circus, but also saw
daily involment with the various activities planned for
the track.


Last updated on 22 April 1998. Contact: Webmaster. This URL: /highlights/thursday/thursday1130am.html 
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