Hello!!! Welcome to this WWW7 brochure. If your browser can handle downloading large jpegs, here are thumbnails which link to each page. Enjoy your surf. If you want to register to this event, please go to the  registration page . See you there! The brochure is currently being produced by traditional print media production methods. If you would like a copy to be mailed out to you, please contact us at info@www7.conf.au

      Front Page              The Gathering Place    Developer's Day
        Business Stream
        / Sponsorships         Optional Activities       Internet Cafe/WWW7 Logo
   PC-IT 98 Brisbane     Consortium Members    Venue/Brisbane/Accomodation
   Conference Series
   /Technical                      Booking Information      Registration
  Like to know more?
                                                             Last updated on 9 January 1998. Contact: Webmaster.
                                                                                This URL:/brochure/brochure.html 
                                                                                Copyright WWW7 Consortium and IW3C2, 1997-98, All Rights Reserved