WWW6 logo Sixth International World Wide Web Conference


We would like to thank the following corporations and businesses for their financial and in-kind support of the Conference.

Cisco Systems Hewlett-Packard Microsoft Corporation

Sun Microsystems

Apple Computer Inc.

Key Contributing Sponsors

NTT - NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories proudly sponsors WWW6 Hyperproceedings and the keynote speech by Professor Goto. NTT MCL is a newly established laboratory in Silicon Valley for global networking services.

Enosis - Enosis Group provided professional consulting services to WWW6 through the activities of Mr. Nick Ragouzis. Nick was instrumental in the early efforst to define the conference's central concepts and structure, and later led the efforts to construct the Developer's Day program.

Sholink - Sholink Corporation proudly sponsors the conference internal web site as well as chairing the Organizing Committee and Workshop Track through the activities of Ms. Benay Dara-Abrams and Mr. Kinji Yamasaki. Sholink's web-based infomediation process delivers critical information to healthcare providers.

Additional and In-Kind Sponsors


The following companies will be exhibiting during the Conference. Opening of the Exhibits will be Monday, April 7, from 7-9pm. The exhibition will be open 10:00 - 6:00 pm Tuesday-Thursday.

WWW6 Page coordinator: Christine Quinn
Created 31 Mar 97
Wed Apr 2 22:22:56 PST 1997