WWW6 logo, link back to Conference homepage Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Murray Maloney

Award Presentation

About the Speaker

Murray Maloney is Technical Director of SoftQuad. Founded in 1984, SoftQuad is a leading provider of content publishing tools and consulting services for the internet and corporate intranets. The Company's products enable users to deploy multi-platform, standards-based solutions from creating, editing, and delivering electronic documents, to information management and access, to intranet site management.

Murray is also a member of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee and the Chair of the Eighth International World Wide Web Conference to be held in Toronto, Canada in 1999.

Abstract of Talk

SoftQuad presents the Yuri Rubinsky Memorial World Wide Web Award

Murray Maloney will present on Thursday morning, the Yuri Rubinsky Memorial World Wide Web Award. At the last two International World Wide Web Conferences, SoftQuad has presented an award honoring significant achievement and contribution to the development and maintenance of the global information infrastructure. The first of such awards was given to Douglas Engelbart for his work in Hypertext.

At WWW5 Vinton Cerf was honored for his pioneering Internet work. At this time the award was renamed the Yuri Rubinsky Memorial WWW Award, in honor of Yuri Rubinsky, co-founder of SoftQuad, and an early proponent of accessibility and member of the original International World Wide Web Conference Committee. Yuri passed away in 1996.

WWW6 Page coordinator: Chris Quinn

Last modified Mon Feb 24 20:07:43 PST 1997 by Kathryn Henniss