WWW6 logo, link back to Conference homepage Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

Keynote Speaker:
Shigeki Goto

About the Speaker

Dr. Shigeki Goto is a professor at Department of Information and Computer Science, Waseda University, Japan. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo. Prior to becoming a professor at Waseda University, he has worked for NTT for many years. He also earned a Ph.D in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo. He is a computer scientist and an editor of "New Generation Computing" (Ohm-sha and Springer-Verlag). He is a member of ACM and IEEE, and a trustee of Internet Society from 1994 to 1997.

In addition to authoring several textbooks on LISP and PROLOG, Dr. Goto has also translated several books including "An Introduction to TCP/IP" (by John M. Davidson) and "STACKS" (by Carl Malamud). The latter translation work is reported in "Exploring the Internet -- A Technical Travelogue (by Carl Malamud).

Abstract of Talk

The Internet in the Asia Pacific region

Shigeki Goto emphasizes that using local languages, such as Japanese, Korean and Chinese, is extremely important in most Asian countries. His earlier experience shows that Net News traffic has dramatically increased in Japan when the Japanese character set was introduced in the middle of 80's. Similar phenomena are observed in WWW arena. The development of multi-lingual browsers has made WWW popular in this region.

In some local languages, no spaces exist between words. A sentence is a long single string of characters. This makes word searching more difficult than in English. Search engines in such languages needs smart tricks to pick up words properly in the text.

The Internet is getting popular in Asia Pacific region. For those who are interested in the Asia Pacific region, Shigeki Goto recommends the following pages or URLs: APNG (Asia Pacific Networking Group), Open forum for various discussion www.apng.org. APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center), The InterNIC counterpart in the region, www.apnic.net. APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network), Internet 2 like activities for research community, www.apan.net.

WWW6 Page coordinator: Chris Quinn

Last modified Mon Feb 24 20:04:53 PST 1997 by Kathryn Henniss.