
[1] Henrik Frystyk-Nielsen et al., Libwww - The W3C Reference Library

[2] Henrik Frystyk-Nielsen, W3C Reference Library Position Statement,

[3] Henrik Frystyk-Nielsen, W3C Reference Library, position paper for the workshop: "Programming the Web - a search for APIs" at the Fifth International WWW-Conference (

[4] Rohit Khare, PEP: An extension mechanism for HTTP, work in progress. See in the W3C technical reports section (

[5] Eckhart Köppen, Entwicklung eines erweiterbaren Widgets zur Anzeige von HTML-Texten, Diplomarbeit, Universität GH Essen, Germany 1996.

[6] Joel McCormack, Paul Asente, Ralph Swick, X Toolkit Intrinsics-C Language Interface, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990.

[7] Netscape Communications Corporation, The SSL Protocol,

[8] Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Nusser, Wafe - An X Toolkit Based Frontend for Application Programs in Various Programming Languages, USENIX Winter 1993 Technical Conference, San Diego, California, January 25--29, 1993.

[9] Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Nusser, "Wafe - A Tcl Interface to the X Toolkit" or "A Graphical Frontend for Applications in Various Programming Languages", Reference Manual, version 1.0.16, included in Wafe source distribution in, 1996.

[10] John K. Ousterhout, Tcl: An embeddable Command Language, Proceeding USENIX Winter Conference, January 1990.

[11] John K. Ousterhout, An X11 Toolkit Based on the Tcl Language, Proceedings USENIX Winter Conference, January 1991.

[12] David Wetherall and Christopher J. Lindblad, Extending Tcl for Dynamic Object-Oriented Programming, Proceedings of the Tcl/Tk Workshop '95, Toronto, July 1995.

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