The Kino Widget Class


Internal Components of the Kino Widget

Example: Using Wafe and the Kino widget

The following example implements a very simple HTML-viewer:

#!/usr/bin/X11/mofe --f

w3AddConverter text/html {MemoryWriter {XkAppendText k "%d"}}

XmRowColumn rc topLevel

  HtmlKino k rc

  XmRowColumn bar rc orientation horizontal

  XmPushButton load bar activateCallback {

    XkStartText k

    w3LoadAnchor [w3GetAnchor] \

                 [w3RequestNew postCb {XkFinishText k; sV msg labelString "done"}]

    sV msg labelString "loading ..." 


  XmLabel msg bar labelString " "


Example continued: Extending the Kino widget's capabilities

The following lines of code add mechanisms for handling a new CLOCK tag

proc handleTag {w tag atts} {

  switch -exact $tag {

    CLOCK {

      XkAddInset $w [Clock c $w width 100 height 100 background pink] bottom



sV k tagCallback {handleTag %W %t "%A"}
<H1>Clock Example:</H1>

If you are using the Kino widget, you should see here <CLOCK> a clock!

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