
[1] T. V. Raman. Audio System for Technical Readings. PhD thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca NY., May 1994. URLhttp:// www. cs. cornell. edu/ home/ raman Audio formatted thesis produced by A S T E R, is available from Recording for the Blind (RFB order number FB190).

[2] T. V. Raman and David Gries. Documents mean more than just paper! Proceedings of the 2nd. International Workshop on the Principles of Document Processing, 1994.

[3] Brian Hayes. Speaking of mathematics. American Scientist, 84( 2), March– April 1996.

[4] T. V. Raman. Emacspeak –a speech interface. Proceedings of CHI96, April 1996.

[5] Greg C. Vanderheiden. Building disability access directly into next- generation information and transaction systems. Keynote Speech, Association Of Computing Machinery (ACM) –Tokyo, Japan, March 1994. URL gopher:// trace. wisc. edu// 00/ ftp/ PUB/ TEXT/ TRACEPAP/ ACMJAPAN. TXT Trace R& D Center, University Of Wisconsin (Madison).

[6] Wayte Gibbs. Envisioning speech. Scientific American, September 1996.

[7] T. V. Raman Cascaded Speech Style Sheets --The Audible WWW. Proceedings of 6th International World Wide Web Conference, April 1997, Santa Clara CA, edited by Genesereth and Patterson

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Last modified: Tue Feb 18 09:23:52 1997