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Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

April 7-11, Santa Clara, California, USA

Call for Posters

February 6, 1997

The program committee for the Sixth International World Wide Web Conference invites the submission of papers for inclusion in the conference poster session. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (both hardcopy and online); and authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work in the conference poster session.

The official poster session, when all authors are expected to be available to discuss their posters with conference attendees, will be held on Monday evening (April 7th). Posters will however continue to be displayed throughout the week of the conference. There will be some limited availability of power, network hookups, and possibly other equipment available for those wishing to include interactive demos as part of their poster presentation. There may also be an opportunity for some poster presenters to lead informal "work-in-progress" discussions during the conference.

Important Dates

Note New Deadlines

  • Poster Paper submission deadline: February 17, 1996.
  • Notification of acceptance: March 3, 1997
  • Final versions for publication: March 15, 1997

Scope of the Conference

The objective of the conference is to foster development of the World Wide Web by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas about the underlying technology. The conference is intended for those exploring the leading edge of this technology, including researchers, developers, content providers, and users. The conference will focus on substantial contributions in the form of original research results and ideas, striking new software, innovative applications, and escholarly critique and/or analysis.

Suggested topics for submissions to the conference include but are not limited to the following areas (as they relate to the World Wide Web).

Protocols, e.g. HTTP, IIOP, etc.
Content languages, e.g. HTML, VRML, Java, SQL, KIF, etc.
Server Technology
Application Program Interfaces
Browsers and Tools
Programmatic and Specialized User Interfaces
Authoring Environments
Hardware, e.g. network computers, PDAs, Web TV
Search Techniques
Information Modeling and Metadata
Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources
Consistency and Integrity
Security and Authorization
Charging and Payment
Universal Design (e.g. multilingual access)
Multimedia technology, e.g. 3D and virtual reality
Machine Sensible Information (databases and knowledge bases)
Sensory-Effectory Technology
Integration of Real Time Channels
Electronic Commerce
Computer Based Training and Teaching
Innovative Applications
Design principles and techniques
Critique and Analysis of Web Applications, e.g. social impact
Education about the Web

The theme for this year's conference is accessibility. For many people, accessibility is what the World Wide Web is all about -- ease of access, by everyone, to everything. The organizers plan to emphasize this theme in organizing the conference, and the program committee will give special consideration to papers that treat this theme in an interesting way.

Submission Requirements

In order to submit a paper, please see the submission instructions. Eventually, you will be required to submit a copyright form that you must sign and mail back to the program committee.

Authors are asked to submit original papers only. Papers that have previously been published and papers that are currently being considered for publication by another journal or conference are not eligible. All submitted papers will be refereed for correctness, originality, relevance to the conference, and quality of presentation.

All submissions must be in English. Maximum length (excluding references) is 10 pages single-spaced. Papers must be submitted in syntactically correct HTML 3.2 (no frames please).

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Page Coordinator: Tony Johnson