(WWW6 logo) Sixth International World Wide Web Conference

Attendee Profile

Attendees to the series of International World Wide Web Conferences tend to be the leading edge developers of new and emerging technologies. They come from a variety of institutions -- academic, research, and commercial enterprise. The distribution in past conferences has been:

Commercial/Industry 60%
Research/Academic 30%
Students 10%
Truly International, the WWW Conference brings participants from around the world -- attendees to Paris came from more than 50 different countries.

Past conference numbers indicate an increasing popularity in the conference itself:

Conference Location Number of Attendees
First International WWW Conference Geneva (CERN), Switzerland 400
Second International WWW Conference Chicago, IL, USA 1400
Third International WWW Conference Darmstadt, Germany 1100
Fourth International WWW Conference Boston, Massachussetts, USA 2200
Fifth International WWW Conference Paris, France 2400
We are planning an attendance of 3500 attendees for the Sixth conference in the series. In addition, we will open the exhibit hall to non-conference attendees for a fee. We project an additional 3000 attendees per day for this portion of the event. (WWW6 logo) Page Coordinator: Chris Quinn
Created 12 Dec 96
Last modified Thu Dec 19 10:10:46 PST 1996