Overview of W3C Activities

Vincent Quint, W3C / INRIA


Why is W3C here?

To realize the full potential of the Web


115 members in January (now 133)


Membership by industry segment

Member Involvement


Hosted by

Funded by

W3C server provides information about W3C activity: http://www.w3.org

W3C Roles

according to the needs of each area.

W3C Process

Workshops: Goals

Workshops: Pragmatics

Working Groups

Editorial Review Boards

W3C Reference Code

Technical Areas

The rest of this talk

  1. User interface & data formats
  2. Society and Web Protocols
  3. Web Architecture
  4. Collaborative Web

User Interfaces & Data formats

Society and Web Protocols

Web Architecture

Evolution of the underlying model

Collaborative Web

Groups from W3C Workshop:

Mainly impacts architecture

Future Activities