The State of Web Standards

Larry Masinter

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

May 1996

Purpose of this talk

Organization of talk

Vision for the "World Wide Web"...

Three categories of web standards

But first, some words about ...

The nice thing about standards...


Standards promote interoperability.

Standards follow rather than
lead innovation in the cycle

Who makes standards?

Some Standards Organizations

Internet Engineering Task Force

Internet Society

IETF structure

IETF Working Groups

IETF Documents

IETF RFC Categories and Process

IETF Scope

Internet Standards:

Not appropriate:

World Wide Web Consortium

W3C and IETF relationship


Standards & Organizations

Standards for Web Content

Short diversion: What's SGML?

Markup: saying things about parts

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

HTML design goals

Why HTML isn't just an application of SGML

It's defined by an SGML DTD...
... plus a description of what the tags mean
... plus some rules about how to display things
... plus some rules about interaction with forms and URLs
... plus some rules about what to do if you see a tag you don't know

HTML 2.0

HTML 2.0 elements

... more HTML 2.0 elements

Summary: HTML 2.0

current activities & future in Part II

Other data on the Internet: MIME

Internet Media Types ("MIME types")

Images on the Web

Other content on the web

Other content on the web

Content on the web

Content needs standards

Network Protocols for the Web

Of course, there's more:

real time interaction, pay for things, share secrets, query databases, etc.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP/1.0 added features

HTTP/1.0 specification

Current implementations differed in interpretation too much

HTTP standard

... more in part II

Other related protocol work

Identifiers in the Web

Uniform Resource Locators

URL Requirements

An object that describes the location of a resource

URL Proposed Standard

phrase%20with%20spaces scheme:scheme-specific-part

Some URL schemes

URLs in plain text

Relative URLs

RFC 1808: Relative Uniform Resource Locators

"base" + "relative URL"
=> "absolute URL"

Uniform Resource Names

URC: Uniform Resource Characteristics

References on the Web

Summary, Part I

Overview of Part II

Recent events and current activities

HTML Working Group activity

HTML Tables

File Upload

HTML Internationalization

Internationalization problems:

HTML Style and Style Sheets

The debate over inline style
(<FONT> or equivalent)

Compound Documents in HTML

HTML Link model

HTML Feature identification


HTML Standards status

Other media standards

Content: Registration vs. Standardization

The problems with HTTP

Things are more complex now

Prospective growth

Toward better web performance

HTTP/1.1 Highlights

Other HTTP work


HTTP and distributed objects

Web Security

Access control and ratings

Web network protocols

References in the Internet

New URL schemes

Uniform Resource Names (URN)

URN naming mechanisms

Uniform Resource Characteristics (URCs)

Many previous standards to choose from

Some unsolved problems

Current Web Standards

The Future