Fifth International World Wide Web Conference
An Applet-based Approach using the SurfIt Tcl/Tk Browser
- SurfIt is an HTTP/HTML browser, which supports Tcl/Tk applets (compare
Netscape, which supports Java applets).
- It uses the HTML 3.0 feature which allows the SCRIPT attribute of the FORM
tag to associate a client-side script with a fill-out form.
- No extensions to HTML are required, due to the availability of Tk for
managing the form.
- The environment in which Tcl applets are executed includes:
- evaluation in a safe slave interpreter, with an isolated
namespace protecting the browser and other
applets from interference.
- access to windowing functions via Safe-Tk, with a top level window
automatically created for the applet.
- access to the browser window in which the applet was loaded.
Active Forms