WebGUIDE: Querying and Navigating Changes in Web Repositories

WebGUIDE: Querying and Navigating Changes in Web Repositories

Fred Douglis
Yih-Farn Chen Thomas Ball
Eleftherios Koutsofios
[at&t logo] [lucent logo]



WebGUIDE Example

[WebGUIDE example]

HtmlDiff Example

HtmlDiff: Here is the first difference. There are 9 differences on this page.[old]is old.[new] is new.


[old]AIDE : [new] AIDE : AT&T Internet Difference Engine
Description : AIDE is a tool that ``remembers'' HTTP pages for users and then uses Tom Ball 's HtmlDiff program to highlight changes to subsequent versions of the page. It is related to WebGUIDE , which provides a graphical interface.
For more information, contact [new]Fred Douglis

Recursive HtmlDiff Example

HtmlDiff: Here is the first difference. There are 9 differences on this page.[old]is old.[new] is new. ["recursive/% for recursive diff.


[old]AIDE : [new]% AIDE : AT&T Internet Difference Engine
Description : AIDE is a tool that ``remembers'' HTTP pages for users and then uses Tom Ball 's HtmlDiff program to highlight changes to subsequent versions of the page. It is related to % WebGUIDE , which provides a graphical interface.
For more information, contact [new]% Fred Douglis


AT&T Internet Difference Engine (AIDE)

Integrating AIDE and Ciao


[WebGUIDE architecture]


Picking Versions

Performance Issues

Future Work

Related Work
