on back w3c Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

BO Algorithms

Traversal algorithm:

While N the current node is not empty Do:
  • If N's direct descendance has been modified:
    1. Find the nearest frozen ancestor, call it FA
    2. Apply the Frozen Node Algorithm to FA
    3. Let the new current node be FA's successor in preorder traversal
  • Else let the new current node be N's successor in preorder traversal

Frozen Node Algorithm

  1. For each child, C of FA do:
    1. If C is a leaf, Add C to a document list DL
    2. If C is non-frozen, Collapse C's subtree and Add all leaves to DL
    3. If C is frozen, Put it in a separate list, FDL.
  2. Apply the Bookmark Clustering Algorithm on DL to form a new cluster hierarchy rooted at a new node NEW-FA
  3. Apply the Frozen Node Algorithm on all elements of FDL and add them as children of NEW-FA
  4. Replace FA by NEW-FA

Automatically Organizing Bookmarks per Contents (Y.S.Maarek,I.Z.Ben-Shaul)