Metadata for a Better Information World

Leslie L. Daigle

May 8, 1996.

Bunyip Information Systems, Inc

Internet Information Transactions

Basically based on: Typically, processing is shared between the client and server ends of the transaction: (N.B.: very little sophistication in terms of the information processing task)

Current Trends

An increasing amount of the transaction processing is being held at the server end: This yields an imbalance in the information transaction model.

Hopes for the Future

Clients need to be able to reclaim some of the processing task supporting the information interaction. The content of these resource descriptions

A Perspective on URCs

URCs are: Therefore:

What People want from Internet Resource Description

URCs are many things to many people. Roughly, their perceived uses can be categorized as follows:

URCs and Metainformation

URC design to date: Originally intended: Now suggested for use:

Can URCs Deliver?

The unbounded problem of generalized application-specific resource description What needs to happen:

What this means for Information Transactions