Panel3: Multicasting & Real-Time Applications and the Future of the Web
Biographical Sketch: Stephen L. Casner

Senior Software Engineer
Precept Software, Inc.
Palo Alto, California, USA

Steve Deering is a member of the research staff at Xerox PARC, engaged in research on advanced internetwork technologies, including multicast routing, mobile internetworking, scalable addressing, and support for multimedia applications over the Internet. He is present or past chair of numerous Working Groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a co-founder of the Internet Multicast Backbone (MBone), and the lead designer of the next generation Internet Protocol, IPv6. He received his B.Sc.(1973) and M.Sc.(1982) from the University of British Columbia, and his Ph.D.(1991) from Stanford University.

See the PARC public Web document for further information.

Created: 26 April 1996
Last updated: 26 April 1996