The Press Area


Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

May 6-10, 1996, Paris, France

Latest news!

[*]Tuesday 7 May

Press release: The World Wide Web Consortium Announces HTMl 3.2

[*]Thursday 25 April

Press release: The World Wide Web moves to Paris for the week of 6-10 May 1996

[*]Wednesday 17 April

John R. Patrick, Vice-President of Internet Technology, IBM Corporation and James H. Clark, Chairman of Netscape Communications are announced as keynote speakers of the conference.

[*]Thursday 21 March

Press release: Paris to host 1996's most important international World Wide Web event in May

[*]Thursday 14 March

Preliminary Program of the Conference

[*]Friday 8 March

Steven McGeady, Vice President of Intel's Internet Technology accepted to be one of the Invited Speakers of the Conference.

[*]Thursday 7 March

Bob Scheifler, President of the X Consortium, Inc. accepted to be one of the Invited Speakers of the Conference.

[*]Friday 23 February

Stu Weibel, Senior Research Scientist of the OCLC Office of Research accepted to be one of the Invited Speakers of the Conference.

Mark Pesce, Cyberspace Researcher and Theorist, the father of Virtual Reality Modeling Language accepted to be one of the Invited Speakers of the Conference.

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Created: 19 March 1996
Last updated: 26 April 1996