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Birds of a Feather Sessions (BOFs)

Throughout the WWW4 conference, rooms will be available for attendees to define their own mini-conference program. These Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions allow people with common interests to gather together and discuss those issues which may not have fit within the other conference tracks, or for which an unconstrained discussion is desired.

We have completed the scheduled BOF program. Additional BOF meetings may be solicited on the conference bulletin board starting on Monday; rooms will be assigned if available.

Scheduled BOFs

Note: This schedule will change, depending on the actual availablity and size of rooms. However, we will try to keep the dates the same for each BOF unless requested otherwise.

Monday, 11 December 1995

All Day
2 meeting rooms available for BOFs
4:00pm - 6:00pm
NSF/NCSA World-Wide Web Federal Consortium (N2W3FedCon)

Tuesday, 12 December 1995

7:30am - 8:20am
Poster Sessions
6 meeting rooms available for BOFs

4:00pm - 5:00pm
IP4: Tim Berners-Lee
Successful Advertising/Marketing on the Web
Human-Information Interaction (HII)
Integrated Design of CD-ROM and Web Resources
Link Relationship Model and Syntax
Macintosh WWW server integration via AppleScript and Frontier
Web Internationalization and Multilinguism (WInter)

6:00pm - 7:20pm
Poster Sessions
HTML Style Sheets
Philosophy and the Web
Towards a Real-Time Multimedia Web
Tracking Modifications to Content
VRML and World Modeling on the Web

7:30pm - 9:00pm

9:00pm - 10:00pm
Banquet (continued, for them slow eaters)
Continuation of 4pm BOFs (if desired)

Wednesday, 13 December 1995

7:30am - 8:20am
Poster Sessions
5 meeting rooms available for BOFs

Web Risks for Industrial Use (or, the issues associated with using the Web within large corporations)

5:30pm - 7:00pm
Uniform Resource Characteristics (URCs)
Active Agents and the Web

7:00pm - 8:20pm
Database Integration with the Web
HTTP Futures
Politics, the Political Process, and the Web
Techniques for Distributed Web Searching
DOE Webmasters
NASA Webmasters

8:30pm - 10:00pm
Free Software and the Web
Conferencing/Chat Protocols and the Web
Flocks and Networks of Java Applets
OLE Controls on the Web
Payment Issues
Intelligent Pre-fetching of Web Resources

Thursday, 14 December 1995

7:30am - 5:00pm
Some rooms available for informal meetings

Want More?

If your favorite discussion topic is not listed, and you wish to coordinate an impromptu BOF on that topic at the conference, please let me know by sending e-mail to <fielding@ics.uci.edu>. Please include a brief description of what will be discussed and at what times it can't be scheduled (i.e., exclude any times which you know would be bad).

Coordinators are expected to author a Web page describing the topic area for discussion (we can host it at W3C if desired), provide the BOF Chair with an estimated number of attendees (so that I can reserve an appropriately-sized room), and briefly introduce the topic at the start of the BOF session.

Roy T. Fielding, Birds of a Feather Chair

Created 05 November 1995
Last updated 09 December 1995